Subject Code & Title :- ICTCYS606 Cyber Security
Assessment Type :- Assignment
1. Assessment Information
A. Purpose of the assessment
This assessment will develop your skills and knowledge required to under stand the cyber security laws and standards and their value in compliance.
ICTCYS606 Cyber Security Assignment
ICTCYS606 Evaluate An Organization’s Compliance With Cyber Security Standards And Law Assignment
B. What you are required to do
For this assessment, you are required to complete 4 tasks:
i. Task A – Demonstrate knowledge of cyber security standards and laws
ii. Task B –Research Cyber security standards and laws in organization
iii. Task C – Analyse the implementation of cyber security standards and laws in organization
iv. Task D – Implement and align organization with the standards and laws
Tasks B C and D of this assessment require you to use the provided case study information relating to the fictional company Unique Store.
C. Competencies being assessed
To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:
1.Under stand Cyber security standards and laws
2.Analyze Cyber Security standards and laws
3.Plan and implement Cyber security standards and laws
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
1. Conduct a cyber security compliance assessment on at least one occasion
D. Important resources for completing this assessment
To complete this assessment please refer to the following resources provided on Moodle:
1. ICTCYS606 learner guide
2. ICTCYS606 Observation checklist
3. ICTCYS606 Marking Guide
4. ICTCYS606 Case study folder
5. Additional student assessment information
E. A note on plagiarism and referencing
Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work ideas inventions etc. of other people are presented as your own.
When quoting or paraphrasing from a source such as the Internet the source must be recognised.
If you are quoting a source make sure to acknowledge this by including quotation marks around the relevant words/sentences or ideas. Note the source at the point at which it is included with in your assessment such as by using a citation. Then list the full details of the source in a references section at the end of your assessment.
All sources used for your assessment should be detailed in a references section. It is advisable to never copy another person’s work.
F. A note on questions with role plays
The following questions involves role plays:
1. Task D, Question D2
For these questions as outlined below you will be assessed on your ability to role play being an Cyber Security Specialist. These questions require you to manage meetings and take notes on what is discussed.
Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe your meeting for Task D Question D2 and complete an observation checklist.
Please note: You will also need to attend separate meetings organised by other students where by you role play being other people. This allows other students in your unit to also role play being the CTO and Operational Manager. You do not need to take notes at meetings during which you are not role playing being the CTO.
G. Instructions for completing this assessment
Answer the questions below using the spaces provided:
Answer all parts of each question
Use your own words and give examples wherever possible
The quality of your answer is more important than how long it is
Enter your answers in this document
You may use various sources of information to inform your answers including your resources provided by ACBI books and online sources. You must acknowledge and cite your sources.
3. Assessment Questions
A. Task A – Demonstrate knowledge of cyber security standards and laws
Task A instructions
Answer the questions below to demonstrate your knowledge of ICTCYS6 06.
A1. Describe the term Cybercrime.
Answer in 40-80 words.
A2. Describe a cyber security risk what risks could commonly be present in an organization from cyber security perspective?
A3. What is Risk management? What are key principles of risk management?
A4. What does it mean by tolerance of risk in an organization?
A5. What laws in Australia are related to the cyber security? Provide brief description of these laws.
A6. Describe ISO standards in relation with cyber security and governance.
A7. Describe parts 10.7 and 10.8 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 of Australia.
A8. Describe PCI DSS and its main features.
A9. Describe the Essential Eight Security model.
A10. Describe the privacy act 1988 and how it affects the cybersecurity requirements for a business?
A11. Describe what is data governance?
A12. Describe security requirements to protect business processes in an organization.
A13. Would there be security requirements specific to a process or you will prefer to implement security governance guidelines that are implemented across the organization?
A14. Describe principles of cyber security to protect an organization from compliance perspective.
A15. Describe the CIA confidentiality integrity availability Triade.
A16. What is a cyber security incident?
A17. Describe MAPE-K.
A18. What is SIEM and what SIEM tools you ae aware of? Describe at least three tools.
A19. What is a security incident response plan? What are the components of the plan?
A20. Describe different types of cyber security incidents including security vulnerabilities and malware.
B. Task B – Research Cyber security standards and laws in organization
ICTCYS606 Cyber Security Assignment
Task B instructions:
For Task B you are to use the case study scenario relating to UniqueStore.
You are the cyber security analyst and advisor for the company responsible to develop strategies and implement them to protect the information assets of the company.
Ensure you have read the Tasks A, B & C information in the “ICTCYS606 Case study information document provided on Moodle. Then answer the questions below.
B1. Review the company policies, industry and Australian government’s regulations standards and laws required for organisations cyber security operations and summarise your findings.
1 B2. Perform analysis to align required laws and standards to organisational cyber operations provide your recommendations
2 B3. Analyse organisation’s existing cyber security compliance strategies and document outcomes according to organisational policies and procedures. This is necessary to develop a baseline for comparison with standards and further development for compliance.
3.B4. How much time will it to determine compliance evaluation requirements and benchmarking of the organizational practices against the standards and laws? Prepare a plan for the CTO along with executive summary your findings and recommendations.
This plan will be followed in the analysis phase.
C. Task C – Analyse the implementation of cyber security standards and laws in organization
Task C instructions:
For Task C you are to continue using the case study scenario of Unique Store. Task C continues on from Task B.
NOTE: Ensure you have read the Tasks B & C information” in the ICTCYS606 Case study information document provided on Moodle. Then answer the questions below.
4 C1. Conduct organizational compliance assessment according to organisational and legislative requirements review the documents and policies provided in the case study.
C2. Document assessment findings according to organisational policies and procedures Answer in 500 words.
5 C3. Identify and document areas of non-compliance and near misses use a suitable format to present your findings
6 C4. How will you align organisation’s activities to required standards to fill the gaps as per your findings? Research and use industry best practices.
D. Task D – Implement and align organization with the standards and laws
Task D instructions:
For Task D you are to use case study scenario for Unique Store.
Ensure you have read the Task D information” in the ICTCYS606 Case study information document provided on Moodle. Then answer the questions below.
ICTCYS606 Cyber Security Assignment
7. D1. Develop and document all compliance requirements and present a report to the CTO.
8. D2. Distribute requirements to required personnel in preparation to realign business activities to requirements prepare a presentation and present to the stake holders. For this activity you will perform a role play and present to your class your recommendations and obtain the feedback Please attach your presentation with the assessment.
Observed question with meeting
9 D3. Develop an evaluation strategy according to organisational policies and procedures to be used in future for compliance analysis gap findings solution identification and implementation of the recommendations
10 D4. Submit all documents to required personnel as a report and seek and respond to feedback obtained. You will prepare a brief for your class and discuss it in the class to receive feedback and to adjust your strategy accordingly, then finalize your report. Use an appropriate report format.
Add your report here along with the brief you have prepared.
For this activity you will perform a role play and present to your class your recommendations and obtain the feedback Please attach your presentation with the assessment.
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