BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

Here is the ideal assignment description I would like you to follow this outline when you produce your assignments. You will be writing a critique of the literature, first a draft for peer marking and then a final version for marking by an academic probably myself Marina Fortes).
This template is set up using the text and font styles that are required for your assignment. You are welcome to use this template for your assignment. Delete the text that is already included and add your own text instead. The text styles are already applied for you.They are also included in the Styles tab for this document under the Home tab. The Normal text style is the one you are reading now. It is 12-point Times New Roman.
BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

Figure legends will be in Figure Legend style.

Your major heading will be in the Heading Large style.

Your subsequent headings will be in the Heading (Small) style.
The lines are single spaced The spacing between paragraphs is set up at 6 point. There is no need to add extra lines between paragraphs.

If you make a series of dot points then
i. you can use the “Dot Points” style
ii. you don’t need to add extra lines between the dot points.
iii. just set the dot points up the way they are shown here

If you want to make a numbered list
1) use the List Paragraph style
2) try not to use sub-lists in your numbered lists (eg: 1.1, 1.2, 1.1.1 etc)
3) you don’t need to add extra lines between your numbered list lines

Your draft critique maybe entirely in dot points. How ever the more you give to your peer for marking the more they will be able to help you with their feedback An advance draft is likely to become a better final version.

BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

The draft critique will be THREE pages maximum length, with TWO additional pages for an annotated bibliography. Your entire assignment should not be longer than FIVE pages. You may write less if you wish to. If you are asked to include things like a marking rubric or a cover page from SCMB admin these items will be additional to the FIVE pages. They do not affect the page length of your actual assignment. The aim of this assignment is to produce some thing concise well written and useful as a teaching tool for your classmates. The aim is not to write a long essay or a text book.

The assignment can include text boxes figures tables internet links and any other components that you believe can appropriately convey the message you want to communicate in your assignment. You are encouraged to put in pictures and tables when ever possible because long paragraphs are difficult to read and not visually appealing.There are better ways to convey information than a wall of words.

Although it is important that your item looks appealing it is also important that you use formal English. Here is a useful link that helps explain the features of formal English:

You should not write extremely long or complex sentences just because you are using formal English. Two short sentences are usually better than one very long one. Read your work out loud for fluency before you submit your final version. Also ask classmates and friends to read your work and offer to read theirs in return. Personally I always find that my work improves after other people have read it and given me some constructive criticism I hope you will be able to get the same kind of benefits.

Remember in BIOT7038 you are not competing against one another. It is possible for every one to get a 7 if you all do well, so feel free to help one another. How ever DO NOT allow some one to copy your work. Do not send electronic versions of your work to some one else in a form they can easily copy. Also if some one is asking you for so much help that it impinges on your ability to get things done it is appropriate to politely reduce or with draw your support.

BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

All assignments will be submitted through Turnitin then I will post them on Black board for viewing and peer review. Although we expect that students will look at one another’s work and get ideas for improvement it is important that each student respects the intellectual property associated with the work of their peers. If we see final assignments submitted for marking which bear significant similarity to something that another student has already submitted we will consider this an act of plagiarism. Any suspected plagiarism will be investigated and it may lead to consequences such as losing marks for the assignment. Please review the UQ rules about plagiarism.

You should have the following sections in your assignment:

Introduction :-
This section will introduce the bio technology you have selected to review It will justify why this bio technology is important and how it is used in science and/or how it does apply to live stock industries. It may also address why the bio technology was developed in the first place. A short historical account of the development may be appropriate here. Your introduction and all subsequent sections should be referenced in Vancouver style using in-text numbering for each reference.

Hint1: find one or two recent review papers to get you started but remember that your critique should not be a simple rephrasing of a recent review.

BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

Description of the Biotechnology you are addressing and its impact
This section will address how the biotechnology works. You may described how and why it is used in the live stock industry OR how this technology is also a scientific method that allows discoveries You should include information about any equipment or materials used for the bio technology You can include pictures in this section that help explain it Your audience should be able to get a working knowledge of the bio technology from this description This section should also include the strengths and limitations of the bio technology may be in a table The description of the biotechnology should comment on its impact when applied to industry problems. It may be appropriate to discussion social economic and environ mental impact of the bio technology.

Hint 1: find papers that walk you through the use of the bio technology a how-to or protocol publication so that you may explain the bio technology well.
Hint 2: find papers that provide actual numbers when reporting on the impact of the bio technology (e.g. artificial insemination and selective breeding have increased 4-fold the amount of milk produced per cow – from 2 to 8 thousand Kg of milk per year).

Case study: choose one reference paper to critique in more detail
The case study will identify and describe an instance where the bio technology you are addressing has been used. It may appear in a research paper, or some other publicly disseminated item (eg: patent conference presentation paper scientific documentary or an industry research report). If you are unsure of the validity of a source you’ve chosen, feel free to bring your item to a class session and check it with the teaching staff.

You should describe
1. the experimental question the authors were asking in the study you have identified
2. the use of the biotechnology in the study
3.the results of the experiment (it is appropriate to show figures from papers here)
4. give an interpretation of the results
5. give a conclusion about how the bio technology solved or not the problem the authors had addressed in their experimental question.

You should consider the industry application of the biotechnology you are addressing.
1. If you were to discuss this biotechnology with an industry partner, what would you say?
2. Would you recommend the use of this biotechnology?
3. You may discuss the relevance the limitations and potential challenges of applying this bio technology in one or another industry context as an example remember that the implementation of genomic selection in the dairy industry was very different from the beef industry as each sector has its specific challenges).

Hint1: you may choose one of the biotechnologies discussed in the course lectures group sessions or prescribed reading but you don’t have to.

BIOT7038 Critique Assignment

Hint 2: you may use one of the prescribed papers as your choice for the critique if it is appropriate. If you do so you will benefit more from the group discussions. Do not choose literature reviews as a paper to critique. Give preference for full scientific papers that report on the outcomes of experimental research.

Annotated Bibliography
The Bibliography or reference list will be a minimum of five references and a maximum of 30 references. For your FIVE most valuable or useful references you should make an annotation that describes why those references are useful. Here is a very useful guide to producing an annotated bibliography:

Hint1: the paper you will use as your case study and analyze in detail is one of your most valu able references. If it is not there is something wrong with your under standing of this assignment please reach out for help.

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