Subject Code & Title : SM6054 Analysing Popular Music
Assessment :- Assignment Essay
Length :- 3000-words
Analysing Popular Music
IMPORTANT: Referencing your work appropriately is crucial. When you quote directly from any source, you must reference the quotation – including the author’s name, date of publication and page number, in the text. This should follow the Harvard format and appear at the end of the quote in brackets. You will be penalised for incomplete referencing of an essay by dropping one grade. You will also be expected to include a bibliography covering all of the sources you have quoted.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
Essay Questions :
Drawing on at least one key example, critically assess how forms of popular music can meaningfully contribute to movements seeking social or political change.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
With reference to at least two illustrative examples, critically assess how technological developments have registered an impact on the production and/ or consumption of popular music.
Critically asses examples of how digital technologies may have impacted on contemporary patterns of music consumption.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
Drawing on particular examples, assess how far independent music labels can be seen as standing outside, and in opposition to, the major recording companies. What criticisms could be made of such a view?
In what respects is the contemporary music industry characterised by ‘post- Fordist’ forms of business organisation and industrial practice?
How far is it possible to apply Judith Butler’s notion of gender as a‘performance’ to the stage personae of pop music artists? You should base your answer on a discussion of at least two key examples of ‘performed’ representations of gender by artists.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
How far can notions of ‘cultural imperialism’ be applied to international ‘flows’ of popular music? What criticisms could be made of such a perspective?
Choosing a particular musical genre – for example rap, raï, bhangra, drum ‘n’bass or grime – critically analyse how it might be considered a ‘syncretic’ cultural form (ie formed through processes of cultural interconnection, fusion and amalgamation).
Critically assess the growing relationship between social media and popular music, identifying ways in which artists are making use of social media to engage audiences. Evaluate the relationship, establish examples of how this may benefit or affect both artists and consumers.
CWK 002 – Essay – 3000-words – Individual
bibliography should include the author’s name, date of publication, title, place of publication and publisher. An essay that contains neither referencing nor a bibliography may have its marks substantially reduced.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
Tips on Producing a Good Essay:
Essays should be of around 3,000 words in length. You will need to draw on an effective range of background reading for your essay. Make sure you include a good bibliography and reference your work according to the correct conventions. Do not plagiarise the texts you have used. Avoid simply writing a simple narrative or descriptive account. Make sure that you are engaging with a range of ideas and critical perspectives. Try to show that you are aware of dimensions of theoretical debate and controversy and be prepared to argue against some of the ideas you have come across. Always try to support your points with specific examples and illustrations. When you begin work try to establish some kind of timetable. (e.g.establish when you want to have completed your reading, started your writing etc.
IMPORTANT: You need to ensure that your work is correctly and referenced and includes a full bibliography at the end. Referencing your work appropriately is crucial.When you quote directly from any source, you must reference the quotation -including the author’s name, date of publication and page number, in the text. Ideally,this should follow the Harvard format and appear at the end of the quote in brackets.You may be penalised for incomplete referencing. You will also be expected to include a bibliography covering all of the sources you have quoted. The bibliography should include the author’s name, date of publication, title, place of publication and publisher.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
An essay that contains neither referencing nor a bibliography is likely to have its marks substantially reduced. For extra information on providing good references, citations and bibliographies in your written work you could look at one of the following study guides:
Successful Work Oxford: How to Books.
When assessing your essay, the following points will be considered. You should bear these in mind when preparing your work: RESEARCH:
Appropriateness of Sources Production and Preparation Level of Content
INTELLECTUAL SKILLS: Interpretation of Brief
Does the essay show evidence of appropriate background reading?
Is a sufficient range and variety of source materials drawn upon?
Over all does the content of the essay testify to a good standard of study comprehension and communication skills?
Is there a clear and appropriate choice of subject matter? Does the essay directly address the concerns of the course?
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
Analysis and Critical Evaluation
Structure and Clarity of Argument
1. Does the essay show an intelligent comprehension of theory and an ability to apply it successfully to chosen examples? Does the essay use sufficient examples/evidence to support its arguments?
2.Does the essay develop a thoughtful line of enquiry?
3.Does the essay avoid lapsing into a simple narrative or descriptive account?
4.Does it have a coherent, cohesive and concise structure?
5.Is the line of argument satisfactorily introduced, sustained and concluded?
6.Is the essay imaginative and engaging?
7.Is the essay clearly laid out and easily readable?
8.Does the essay use an effective writing style?
9.Is the project written coherently, with good spelling and punctuation?
10.Does the essay include a full, correctly laid out bibliography?
11.Are full, correctly presented footnotes and references included?
12.Overall, does the essay show a good level of skill and ‘polish’?
13.Was there a good level of self-reliance and autonomy in the preparation and production of the essay?
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
Organisation Does the essay suggest a good level of organisational skill and ability?
Time Management Was sufficient time allowed for all stages of the production of the essay? Does any of it seem rushed through?
Module Learning Outcomes :
1.Manage their own learning and make use of scholarly studies related to the analysis of popular music and its cultural significance.
2.Describe and comment upon theories regarding the production circulation and consumption of popular music.
3. Apply the ideas and arguments they have learned to review consolidate and extend their knowledge in a research project of their own.
SM6054 Analysing Popular Music Assignment
Assessment Criteria :
Summative Assessment 2 (75% weighting)
• Appropriateness of Sources (LO1) 10%
• Production and Preparation (LO3) 5%
• Level of Content (LO1, LO2, LO3) 15%
• Interpretation of Brief (LO1) 5%
• Analysis and Critical Evaluation (LO1, LO2, LO3) 15%
• Structure and Clarity of Argument (LO1, LO2, LO3) 10%
• Creativity (LO1, LO2, LO3) 5%5% 10% 10% LO3) 10%
Resit Work :
Resit assignments must differ from the first sit in FA1 Book Review a new book must be reviewed and in SA2 Essay Question a new question must be selected. All resits will be capped at 40%.