Unit Title :- Scripting Languages
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2.1: Portfolio 1
Overview :- In this assignment you will be required to write a script that demonstrates the extent to which you have under stood the shell script concepts and practices addressed in Modules 1 to 5 inclusive these being:
1.Unix-like Operating Systems and Environments
2. Introduction to Shell Script (bash)
3.Working with Data in bash
4.Managing Repetition with Loops
5. Regular Expressions Redirection Piping and Grep
This assignment is worth 20% 20 marks of your unit grade and its completion will help you build
skills required for the assignments to follow.
Scripting Languages Assignment
Your Academic Integrity Obligations :-
Your tutor lecturer and unit co-ordinator all take academic integrity very seriously and it can not be stressed strongly enough how important it is that you under stand your academic integrity obligations as a student of the University.
All suspected instances of academic mis conduct will be reported for investigation which may result in substantial academic penalties being applied.
With this in mind carefully read the information that follows.
Scripting Languages Assignment
▪ This is an individual assignment only and must not be completed in collaboration with any other person(s).
▪ You may not work with others, acquire code from others, or provide code to others.
▪ You may not post any of the assignment’s specifications to any paid or free coding support site of any kind seeking solutions or advice.The School of Science Computing and Security holds accounts with a great many such communities, all of which are regularly scanned for the posting of assignment specifications.
▪ You may not use any automated and/or AI-based code generation tool to create code for your script either in-part or in totality. The School of Science Computing and Security ECU holds accounts to many these tools and sample code based assignment solutions are generated and provided to assessors for reference.
▪ You may not copy and paste, or otherwise reproduce, any shell script code from any 3rd party source of any kind. You must write your own code at all times.
▪ Where it is found that any of these restrictions have been ignored, academic mis conduct proceedings may be initiated.
▪ Read the checklist below and watch the associated video before submitting this assignment.
Scripting Languages Assignment
General Assignment Requirements
▪ Your script will be run in VS Code for Linux on a Ubuntu Desktop 18.0.4 LTS/GNU bash v5.0.17 instance or higher. Make sure you develop your script in an environment that meets this specification. Incompatible scripts often result in substantial loss of marks or even no marks if they do not run at all.
▪ Your shell script is to be constructed using only the bash commands utilities and programmatic techniques addressed in the unit’s lecture materials. Use of commands, utilities and programmatic techniques that have not been addressed in the unit’s lecture materials may be interpreted as suggestive of possible academic misconduct.
▪ Ensure each script you write is fully self-contained and is not configured to be dependent on external files libraries or resources to run. Non-observance of this requirement may cause your script to run incorrectly or not at all with substantial loss of marks or even no marks often being the outcome.
▪ Carefully check your submission before uploading it to Canvas. What you submit is what gets assessed! If you make a submission error e.g. submit a wrong file an empty .zip archive etc no further sub sequent submissions will be accepted which may result in a substantial loss of marks or even a zero (0) result. Also note that only the most recent submission made before the due date time will be assessed.
Task – Display Alpha Position
Using only the commands utilities and programmatic techniques addressed in lectures 1-5 inclusive write a script that takes a string as an argument when run at the command line and then displays the alphabetical position of each letter contained within that string i.e. aA – position 1 … zZ – position 26.
In the event a passed string contains numbers & or special characters these are to be represented
with a hyphen (-).
Scripting Languages Assignment
Carefully examine the examples below to develop a clear understanding of the output your script is to produce:
./displayalpha.sh helloworld
./displayalpha.sh h3llo
./displayalpha.sh B@shR0ck$
The strings your lecturer will use to test your script may include any combination of lower case upper case letters numbers and special characters, with the exception of the exclamation mark (!) as this serves a special function on the bash command line i.e. the exclamation mark (!) will not be included in any of the strings your lecturer chooses to use.
Scripting Languages Assignment
Should no arguments or too many arguments be passed at the command line then this must result in a grace ful exit from the script accompanied by the display of an accurately informative error message to the terminal.
See the examples below:
./displayalpha.sh T3st1 t3sT2
Scripting Languages Assignment
Compulsory Requirements :-
▪ Call the script displayalpha.sh. Note: There will be a one (1) mark deduction from your achieved score if your script is submitted with a different name.
▪ Your full name and student number must be placed at the top of your script (as comments) immediately after the shebang line. Note: There will be a one (1) mark deduction from your achieved score if either or both of these items are absent.
▪ To construct your script use any combination of commands, utilities and programmatic techniques covered throughout Modules 1-5 inclusive these being:
Scripting Languages Assignment
1.Unix-like Operating Systems and Environments
2.Introduction to Shell Script (bash)
3.Working with Data in bash
4.Managing Repetition with Loops
5.Regular Expressions Redirection Piping and Grep
Scripting Languages Assignment
▪ Be aware – use of commands, utilities and programmatic techniques not addressed in the unit’s content materials may be interpreted as suggestive of possible academic mis conduct.
▪ Your script must contain concise and germane ‘in-situ’ comments that explain all of the code elements it contains. Be aware – comments that are not germane to the code they describe or a complete lack of comments may both be interpreted as suggestive of possible academic mis conduct.
▪ Any files and/or folders created by your script in the course of its execution are to be removed upon the script’s termination. Note: There will be a one (1) mark deduction from your achieved score if any files and/or folders created by your script are left behind on the assessor’s machine at the conclusion of the marking process.
▪ The efficiency with which the commands utilities and programmatic techniques have been utilised with in your script will form part of your mark with the total lines-of-code it contains not to exceed 80 including comments and stipulated code structure expectations. If you exceed this limit marks will be deducted based on the magnitude of this excess.
Scripting Languages Assignment
Important Note :-
If your script does not run for any reason e.g. hard-coding of files directories paths use of a development environment not compatible with Ubuntu Desktop 18.0.4 LTS/GNU bash v5.0.17/ VS Code for Linux instance or higher, only a partial mark will be awarded on a code-readthrough basis.
Your lecturer will not trouble shoot fix any errors encountered.