Assessment :- Assessment Task 2
Assessment Title and type :- Research Proposal
Weighting :- 50 % of overall
Word Count :- 2,500 words (+/- 10%) Includes in text references excludes end text References
Associated Learning Outcomes :-
1. Critically review the relationship between research evidence based nursing practice and patient safety outcomes
2. Explore the social political and professional influences on nursing research in a variety of health care domains
3.Critically analyse available research literature to explore and inform real world nursing problems.
4.Identify the ethical and legal responsibilities of under taking nursing research in a variety of settings and apply knowledge of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NH&MRC) standards of ethical human research to nursing research practice.
PUBH1080 Research Proposal Assignment
A research proposal is a blueprint for your intended research project. A good research proposal should let the reader know why you want to carry out a study and how you intend to carry it out from beginning to the end. Generally the starting point for developing a research proposal is to initially identify what research problem or question you are trying to address. This assignment has links with assignment 1.
In the first assignment you reviewed a broad range of literature that examined the barriers and facilitators of ensuring good physical health outcomes for people living with a severe mental illness.
The literature review should have given you the opportunity to identify some gaps in the literature which a future study is able to answer. Your task in this assignment is to investigate within your local health service what are the views of either consumers carers or clinicians about a particular barrier or facilitator to achieving good physical health outcomes for consumers living with a severe mental illness. Please note you are to focus on only one group not all three listed.
PUBH1080 Research Proposal Assignment
Below is a very practical example of how this could look like:
There are several ways you could approach this proposed new study based on your initial literature review findings. Let’s say in your first assignment one of the things you discovered was that Stigma was a barrier for people living with a severe mental illness in achieving good physical health outcomes. How ever you notice that most of the studies that reported this were carried out in North America [location] they were conducted mainly within acute in-patient units [setting] the cohort that data was collected from were all older adult consumers [sample population] and all the studies were all qualitative studies [study design]. In this scenario couple of ideas comes to mind and several research proposals could be formulated:
1.You could decide to replicate this study on an adolescent inpatient unit here in Australia Study 1 – what you are doing here is changing location. This is because you could argue that the North American mental health system is quite different to that of Australia (study justification).
2.You could decide to replicate this study on an adult inpatient unit here in Australia (Study 2)- you are changing setting. You could justify this study by saying there is difference between adult and aged mental health in patient.
3.You could decide to undertake a new study in which your sample population are now mental health nurses (Study 3)-changing sample population. Why because all the other studies have asked for the opinions of consumers rather than MHNs.
PUBH1080 Research Proposal Assignment
4.You could decide to under take a study using a survey quantitative study Study 4: changing the methodology.
As you can see from the one study there is a possibility of writing 4 different research proposals. There is also a possibility of extending this study to other settings such as emergency psychiatry community mental health community residential rehabilitation which would open up more research proposals.
1.Use double spacing throughout essay.
2. Font size- 11 or 12
3.Approximately 7-8 pages (excluding reference list)
4. Use APA 7th Edition
5. A minimum of 12 references to be included
6. All references must be within the last 10 years. If you need to go out side of this range you need to provide a reason.
PUBH1080 Research Proposal Assignment
7.The following sections must be included in your proposal: Project title Background research question objectives significance of the study Method which should include the following subheadings: study design study setting sampling and recruitment data collection data analysis ethical consideration project time line. Further details about these sections are provided below.
8. As part of the sources used you will need to include sources that justify your choice of methodology methods.
9.You should include the subheadings listed in #7.
Background :-
This should include a detailed review of other research in the subject area You may need to draw on the work you presented in assignment 1 please be careful not to self-plagiarise. You need to draw on the findings from that assignment to help inform your current background. It should clearly show how your current work will build on what has already been done or why further research is needed in a similar area. Ideally it should present an argument to the reader as to why the subject matter is important.
Research question/objectives :- This section should include a concise statement about the desired outcomes that will be achieved in conducting the study. It should be clear and specific, achievable, and merit study.
Significance of the study :- This section should describe the importance of the research to consumers the mental health nursing profession to health care and/or society. Essentially this section is telling the reader why you believe your study is worth investigating.
Method: This section should answer the question: What is to be done on who how and where? The method you choose should be relevant to the question you are trying to answer and it should be feasible.
PUBH1080 Research Proposal Assignment
Study design :- Will this be a qualitative or quantitative study? If qualitative or quantitative what type? (Phenomenology, quasi-experimental etc.). Justify the chosen design. Include appropriate references. You may even say things such as Olasoji (2020) carried out a similar study using this particular design…
Setting and Sample : Who will you be collecting data from and where will they be situated? Be as precise as possible you can be ambitious but not overly ambitious e.g. all mental health nurses working in the World-while this might be great you probably do not have the time/resources to carry out such large scale project.
Data Collection:- How will you be collecting data, are you interviewing people are you using a survey? What will you use to collect your data? Include references.
You should also attempt to include a sample of some questions you want to ask your participants this can be included as an appendix.
Data Analysis :– Once you have collected the data what will you do with it? (Include references). How will your data be analysed? This needs to fit with the study design. You cannot collect quantitative data and then describe qualitative analysis and vice versa.
PUBH1080 Research Proposal Assignment
Ethical considerations :- What are the possible ethical issues that could arise how will you manage this where will you apply for ethical clearance for your study? Provide as much details as possible about the ethical considerations.
Project time line :- How long do you think this study will go on for? Factor in the fact that ethics application could take at least 2 months to be obtained.Propose a realistic timeline with each stage of your study mentioned.
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