Unit Title :- Professional Development Super vision And Performance Management In Adult Care
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Task :- Please refer to the attached activity guide prior to starting, this will ensure that you provide the right evidence to meet the unit requirements and prevent resubmission.
1) Discuss how continuous professional development across the staff team benefits service provision within the organisation.
Professional Development Supervision And Performance Management Assignment
2) Discuss and evaluate mechanisms and resources that support learning and development in adult care.
3) Discuss and compare the different sources and systems of support for professional development in adult care.
4) Discuss at length the application of models of reflective practice within own practice.
5) Discuss and evaluate how literacy, numeracy and digital skills support the practitioner in adult care.
6) Discuss the considerations required in sourcing and commissioning appropriate training activities with in own organisation.
Professional Development Supervision And Performance Management In Adult Care Assignment
7) Discuss and evaluate the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision.
8) Discuss the theories and models of professional supervision in terms of their application to adult care.
9) Discuss at length how the requirements of legislation codes of practice and agreed ways of working influence professional supervision.
10) Discuss at length how findings from research critical reviews and inquiries can be used with in professional supervision.
11) Discuss the ways in which professional supervision can be used to inform performance management.
12) Discuss the rationale for using a ‘performance management cycle’ model.
13) Discuss how performance indicators can be used to measure practice.
14) Discuss at length, factors that can result in a power imbalance in professional supervision and how to address them.
15) Discuss and evaluate the use of conflict resolution models to address challenges arising during professional super vision.
16) Discuss and evaluate how appraisal processes can be used alongside supervision to manage and improve performance.
17) Discuss the organisation’s procedures for addressing conduct and performance issues and own role in them.
18) Discuss the organisation’s discipline and grievance procedures and own role in them.
Assignment Guide
Use the guide and tips to help you.
1) You could include:
Improved quality of care.
Action research.
Increased responsiveness to change.
Improved staff morale.
Career development.
Entrepreneurial approaches.
Mechanisms could include:
Reflective and reflexive staff approaches
Person-centred care
Developing excellence in care.
Knowledgeable and skilled workforce.
2) You could include:
Effective recruitment and selection.
Clear induction standards.
Effective policy development.
Training and development policies.
Partnership working.
Structured career progression/opportunities.
Study support sessions.
In-house training.
Journal subscriptions
Internet research.
Professional Development Supervision And Performance Management Assignment
3) You could include:
Skills for Care resources/online training.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) resources.
Apprenticeship routes
Private training providers
Local colleges/universities
Professional standards.
Professional Development Supervision And Performance Management Assignment
4) Models of reflection you could refer to:
Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1988).
Boud’s triangular representation
Lawrence-Wilkes (2014) – ‘REFLECT’ model.
Johns’ Model for Structured Reflection (2000)
Kolb’s Model of Learning Theory (1984).
5) You should give examples of literacy and numeracy being used in the workplace. Discussing why they are important.
Note writing.
Drug calculations.
6) You should discuss how you fund a range of training activities that could include:
• Online assessments.
• Apprenticeship frameworks.
• In-house training.
• External training.
• Group/team meeting.
• Appraisals.
• Supervision session
• Case reviews.
• Project development.
• Reflective summaries
• Observation of practice
• Shadowing.
• Acting up for staff.
• Journal articles
• Displays and information boards.
• Further and higher education.
Funding could include:
Skills for care funding.
Training during work hours.
7) Purpose and scope of supervision could include: Monitoring staff
Team support and building.
Maintaining safeguarding, health and safety.
To gain insight into staff morale.
To discuss and review training and progress.
To support the team to develop and share their ideas.
To meet regulatory requirements.
To maintain quality and ensure you are meeting service user needs.
Line management supervision: accountability to line manager service focus performance management work load and competence in relation to the expectations of the post held by member of staff disciplinary issues.
Clinical or practice supervision:
A practice-focused professional relationship involving a member of staff reflecting on practice guided by a skilled supervisor:
1. a formative function related to the educative process of developing skills
2. a normative or monitoring function related to ensuring safe and effective practice by the health or social care member of staff and the protection of users of services and others from harm
3. a restorative function that seeks to manage any negative effects on the member of staff resulting from their work.
Professional Development Supervision And Performance Management Assignment
Professional supervision:
A practice-focused professional relationship with an individual from the same professional group involving the opportunity to reflect upon develop and monitor those aspects of the role that are profession-specific:
a. accountability and workload management.
b. performance appraisal.
c. learning and development.
d. supporting development of critical thinking and analytical processes.
e. informal support, shadowing opportunities.
f. helps with issues of vulnerability and isolation, especially for lone workers.
g. duty of care – focus on needs of users of services.
8) Use this link to help you:
• Wonnacott (2013) – Integrated Approach.
• Stoltenberg and Delworth (1987) – Developmental Model.
• Carl Rogers (1980) – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
• Bernard’s Discrimination Model (1979).
• Holloway (1995) – Systems Approach.
• Solution-focused approach.
9) Legislation, codes of practice and policies could include:
• Care Quality Commission – fundamental standards.
• Care Act 2014.
• Common core principles to support self-care – Skills for Care
Supervision policy.
Safeguarding and risk management.
• Equality Act 2010. • Data Protection Act 1998.
10) Critical reviews could be used for:
i. Disseminating knowledge-based good practice.
ii. Providing guidance.
iii. Involving users of services, carers, practitioners, providers and policy makers
iv. Promoting good practice.
v. Developing knowledge and skills.
vi. Enhancing professionalism.
vii. Opportunity to engage with research and evidence that can inform professional practice.
11) You could include:
Measuring the organisation’s potential against performance targets, checking whether objectives have been met.
• Delivering high-quality services.
• Identifying opportunities for improvement, change and innovation.
• Developing a more highly motivated and involved workforce.
• Emphasis on core care values.
• Importance of involving users of services in an effective performance management framework.
12) This is about your own thoughts and reasons. Discuss what is the ‘performance management cycle’
Professional Development Supervision And Performance Management Assignment
13) Performance indicators can be used to:
Measuring the organisation’s potential against performance targets checking whether objectives have been met.
• Delivering high-quality services.
• Identifying opportunities for improvement, change and innovation.
• Developing a more highly motivated and involved workforce.
• Emphasis on core care values.
• Importance of involving users of services in an effective performance management framework.
Indicators could include:
• Communication.
• Record keeping.
• Attendance, punctuality, absences.
• Standards of care.
• CPD records.
• Competencies.
14) Power in balance could include:
Unplanned supervision.
Session being about mistakes, with no good feedback.
Towering over the supervisee.
Presence of others (no confidentiality).
Supervisee being uncomfortable.
15) The best way to answer this question is to give am example of a conflict that you have used supervision to resolve. Remember the need for confidentiality when answering this question (No names).
16) The super visions that you hold throughout the year should provide the basis for the yearly appraisal.
17) And 18) your own organisational processes and policies should be discussed.