The assignment contributes to 30% of my final grade
Reference style is APA 6th
Word limit : 1800
Purpose To assess students understanding of a topic in developmental psychology and for students to develop the ability to express an argument with evidence.
PHYC3700 Psychology Essay Assignment
Description Australian children’s screen times have increased steadily Yu & Baxter, 2016 raising questions about the effects on development, both positive and negative. Only 23% of Australian preschoolers meet the government guidelines for the recommended limits for exposure times Hinkley Timperio Watson Duckham Okely Cliff et al. 2020. Is the engagement with screen media devices a problem for the development of children and adolescents or could it be beneficial?
Please choose one of the following arguments.
• Argument 1: The use of screen media devices is beneficial for development
• Argument 2: The use of screen media devices is detrimental for development Purpose To assess students under standing of a topic in developmental psychology and for students to develop the ability to express an argument with evidence.
Description Australian children’s screen times have increased steadily (Yu & Baxter, 2016) raising questions about the effects on development, both positive and negative. Only 23% of Australian preschoolers meet the government guidelines for the recommended limits for exposure times (Hinkley Timperio Watson Duckham Okely Cliff, et al., 2020). Is the engagement with screen media devices a problem for the development of children and adolescents or could it be beneficial?
PHYC3700 Psychology Essay Assignment
Please choose one of the following arguments.
• Argument 1: The use of screen media devices is beneficial for development
• Argument 2: The use of screen media devices is detrimental for development
Your task is to present one of these arguments with supporting evidence. Importantly your argument needs to be supported by evidence from peer-reviewed studies. Please cite your sources using APA style. More details will be provided on Canvas (e.g., age of focus developmental domains etc.).
Weighting 30%
Length 1800 words. Word limits include headings, sub-heading in-text citations quotes and referencing but does not include the list of references appendices and foot notes. The word limit will allow a tolerance of 10% and any work after the maximum word limit will not be included with in the allocation of marks. In other words the marker will STOP reading at 1980 words Your task is to present one of these arguments with supporting evidence. Importantly your argument needs to be supported by evidence from peer reviewed studies. Please cite your sources using APA style. More details will be provided on Canvas (e.g., age of focus developmental domains etc.).