NURS1050 Relational Practice Caring Paper Assignment

Subject Code & Title :- NURS1050 Relational Practice Caring Paper
Assessment Type :- Assignment
This assignment is based on the concept of relational nursing practice, with a focus on self and other as it relates to the meaning of caring and the role of the nurse. Nursing is both art and science. A major concept in relational nursing practice is caring. The purpose of this assignment is to help you begin to develop personal knowing in the context of caring nursing and relational practice utilizing concepts discussed in this course. To do this, you will explore the concept of caring using both narrative and analytical/scholarly writing. Narrative writing is used to tell a story and reflect on experiences. Analytical/scholarly writing is used to convey ideas based on exploring analyzing and/or investigating existing literature.
NURS1050 Relational Practice Caring Paper Assignment

NURS1050 Relational Practice Caring Paper Assignment

The paper should contain the following sections (also see rubric below):

1.Introduction :-
○ Start with an introduction which opens your paper. An introduction should provide the reader with background information on the overall concept of your paper. For this paper, the overall concept is caring. The introduction should also end with 1-2 sentences telling the reader what specifically the paper sets out to do (what will be discussed).

2. Caring: A Personal Perspective
○ After your introduction paragraph, describe your personal understanding of caring before entering nursing school. What did the word care/caring mean to you before you started this program? Include your personal experience of being cared for AND caring for another person. These examples should be detailed and may be in the health care setting (if you provided or received health care in that setting). They can also be personal life examples such as caring for a family member friend pet etc. or being cared for by a family member/friend.

3.Caring: A Literature Critique
○ Part A: Concept Analysis
i. Critically choose 3 concepts from the assigned course readings that relate to your emerging under standing of caring within the first month of nursing school.
Describe and critique the concepts supported by the literature found in the assigned course readings. Provide rationale for the selected concepts.
ii. You may wish to separate your concepts into multiple paragraphs to organize and clearly present your ideas.

○ Part B: Integration of Concepts with Personal Experience of Caring
i. In this section relate/integrate the concepts again supported by the literature you have chosen from the previous section to both your personal experience of caring and being cared for.

○ Part C: Evolving Understanding (4 marks, ~0.5 page)
i. In this section describe and reflect on how your understanding of caring has evolved or become more ingrained AND how you envision this under standing to change by the end of your nursing school journey.

○ Finally provide a conclusion paragraph. A concluding paragraph summarizes the key concepts discussed in the body of your paper. Tell the reader what you set out to do how you did it, and highlight points that indicate the paper accomplished the purpose. It should not include new concepts or ideas.

The maximum length of the paper is four written pages (includes headings and intext citations but not title or reference page). It is to be written in APA style (7th edition) double spaced and Times New Roman 12 font.

Tips/ suggestions for 4 marks allocated for Use of language grammar cohesiveness of writing good flow of ideas transitions etc.

NURS1050 Relational Practice Caring Paper Assignment

▪ have a peer or the writing assistance center proof-read your paper
▪ use spelling/ grammar check
▪ check organization of sections in relation to rubric, check for transition sentences between paragraphs sections opportunities to make connections and help your reader understand how you are moving from one idea to the next
▪ refer to APA Chapter 4: Writing Style and Grammar
▪ refer to APA Chapter 6: Mechanics of Style
▪ only papers submitted in WORD format will be accepted and evaluated

Tips/ suggestions for 4 marks allocated for Use of APA

▪ Times New Roman 12-point font
▪ double spaced
▪ Include title page included on course outline with academic integrity declaration
▪ use subheadings in accordance with rubric and refer to APA pp. 47-49 for Heading Levels
▪ refer to APA Chapter 1, p. 9: Student Papers
▪ refer to APA Chapter 2: Paper Elements and Format
▪ refer to APA Chapter 8: Works Credited in the Text
o In-text citations (pp. 261-264)
o Paraphrases and quotations (pp. 269-273)
▪ refer to APA Chapter 9: Reference List
▪ ensure 4 pages in length

Problems Submitting Assignments :-
The inability to submit an assignment by the deadline due to technological difficulties on the student’s part (e.g., problems with the student’s computer or internet access) is not a valid reason for late submission. In such a situation, the student must: (1) inform the instructor (via phone or email) about the difficulties experienced prior to the deadline and (2) fax the assignment to the instructor prior to the deadline. Failure to submit the assignment prior to the deadline will result in a penalty for late submission.

Should students encounter difficulty submitting assignments due to technological problems with the D2L platform, they must email the assignment directly to the instructor prior to the deadline and let the instructor know there was a problem submitting through the D2L. In such cases, students must keep a copy of the relevant email in their email outbox as a record of submission. Failure to submit an assignment prior to the deadline, even if the problem is with the D2L platform will result in a penalty for late submission.

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