NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

Subject Code & Title :- NUR2101 Nursing
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Weighting :- 50%
Length :- 1700 words +/-10% Part A
300 words+/-10% Part B
(word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices)
Brief task description :- There are two parts to this assessment: Part A is a Written Assignment and Part B is the development of a Patient Information Resource. You are required to complete both part A and Part B.
NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

Assessment purpose rationale:
The purpose of this assessment is to:
• Develop critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in managing patients with chronic conditions.
• To prepare students to effectively manage chronic care within various health care contexts.
• To develop students’ abilities to provide relevant information to patients about their condition with consideration of the patient’s individual needs and context for example health literacy, developmental stage culture and existing knowledge.

Course Objectives Measured:
Learning objectives 1,2,3,4,5 are addressed by this assessment. Please refer to the course specification for the full course learning objectives.

Task Detail :-
You are provided with 4 case studies (located in Appendix A at end of this document) you only need to choose ONE (1) case study to discuss in this assignment. In each of the scenarios the patient has both chronic diseases and presenting conditions.

You must complete BOTH Part A and Part B of this assessment.

Part A: Written Case Analysis Essay
Length: 1700 words + or- 10%
Marks: 55 (as per marking rubric)

In this essay you will analyse the case study you have chosen giving a brief description of the chronic conditions and the presenting health issues for the person. This will give context to the Patient Information Resource you create in Part B.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

Rationale for Part A:
The case study analysis forms the background and research leading to the creation of a Patient Information Resource.

Through this assessment students will demonstrate an understanding of chronic illness across the lifespan and the impact on the individual family and community. Students will also have the opportunity to consider through the assignment the needs of culturally diverse dis advantaged and vulnerable groups with chronic conditions.

What you need to include in your essay :
• Identify both the chronic diseases and the presenting conditions.
• Succinctly describe the pathophysiology and symptoms, associated with all of the chronic diseases and the presenting conditions.
• Provide a brief outline of the relevant diagnostic and ongoing tests (e.g. blood tests, vital signs, x-rays, physiotherapy), associated with the patient’s chronic and presenting conditions.
• Outline two (2) potential problems (complications) associated with the chronic disease only.
• Briefly outline the psychosocial developmental, cultural and health literacy considerations for the person in your case study. Developmental theorists have been identified in the modules on the Study Desk you are encouraged to use your recommended texts and library resources.
• Describe three (3) priorities of nursing management for the patient’s chronic and presenting conditions.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

These may include nursing interventions/ nursing assessment and/ or pharmacological /non- pharmacological management and/ or self-management.

Task Part B – Patient Information Resource.

Length: 300 words + or- 10%
Marks: 15 (as per marking rubric)

The Patient Information Resource (PIR) can be written in the style of a pamphlet or hand out or alternately a blog or website article for the patient and family carer in your case study about the chronic condition being experienced.

It will describe what the condition is, the nursing care and self-management required by the patient/ family carer. You must consider the developmental considerations, cultural needs, and health literacy of the patient in your case study and produce a resource that would be appropriate for their needs. The information for your Patient Information Resource (PIR) should have already been addressed in the academic essay, this resource requires you to simplify it and explain it in plain language for your patient. This resource only requires you to focus on the one chronic condition.

Rationale for Part B:
A patient information resource offers you as a nurse a method of providing information to patients and their families on various chronic conditions. The information resource that you produce for this assessment can be used as part of a professional portfolio or used within your nursing practice in a health facility to educate clients.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

What you need to include in the patient resource:

• Describe the disease pathophysiology, and symptoms, associated with ONE of the chronic conditions in your chosen case study from Part A.
• Outline the potential diagnostic tests treatments and medications that the chosen patient may
experience while managing their condition.
• Briefly describe three (3) management strategies e.g. options for relief of symptoms lifestyle
changes prevention of relapse escalation complications.

• Include a link to an additional resource on the condition that patients and their families can read or watch (i.e.: a website YouTube video). Note these must be from reputable sources and are patient focused rather than clinician focused.

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

NUR2101 Nursing Assignment

Presentation of patient resource:
• This is to be a one-page document A4 (can be booklet, trifold or just plain page if doing a pamphlet) of no more than 300 words.
• Text should be presented in paragraph form, although some dot points are permitted where appropriate, headings may be used.
• Times New Roman Font size 12
• At least 1 relevant image/ diagram (but not too many – they must be relevant) correctly referenced should be included.
• No graphic design skills are required but the resource must include at least one image or diagram. You can make the resource as attractive or as simple as you like however it must be easy to read and comply with copyright (i.e. any images that you have not created yourself must be correctly referenced).
• References for the text are not required on the Patient Information Resource as these should already be in your essay. Only reference any images you have used.
• The patient information resource should NOT be a re-written case scenario or summary of your essay. The intent is that this is a document you could give to a patient with the chronic condition to read for education about their condition.

Writing Style :-
Part A of this assessment piece will be written in the form of an academic essay providing links to relevant peer reviewed articles or scholarly sources. It should be written in third person.

Part B of this assessment should be written in plain language that any person, without a medical back ground of any culture or education level could understand. This style of writing can be more relaxed and take a variety of forms but must be clear, concise, and articulate.

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