NST6100 Literature Review Assignment

Subject Code : NST6100
Title :- Search Strategy Protocol Literature Review
Assessment Type : Assignment 3
In this assignment you move to the next step in the review process and perform a quality appraisal of the key articles from your search that are most relevant to your question.The assignment is equivalent to 1500 words including the journal articles and tables but excluding the reference list.
NST6100 Literature Review Assignment

NST6100 Literature Review Assignment

The assignment is comprised of two components.
1. Part (a) Document your search strategy using a PRISMA flowchart (10%)
2. Part (b) Quality Appraisal of the literature (20%)

Part (a) Document your search strategy using PRISMA (10 %)
The first part of your paper focuses on documenting the next stage of the literature searching process.
In assessment 2 you performed a preliminary search to identify a minimum of 10 articles.

In this assignment you are required to run your search in several data bases and keep a record of the number of articles from each database you searched You MUST use the PRISMA flow chart to record the results of your search strategy. We have provided a template for you to complete.

NOTE: Include a variety of study types and research methodologies. You must include at least one qualitative research study and one quantitative research study.

Part (b) Quality Appraisal of the literature.

From your searches choose 4 eligible papers to quality appraise. JBI tools are the preferred appraisal tools however if JBI don’t have an appropriate tool for the type of study try using CASP:

You are required to:
i. Complete a quality appraisal tool for each of the 4 articles. Ensure you use the tool appropriate to that particular type of literature.
ii. Take a screenshot of the front page of each of the articles you are appraising and paste into your assignment. (You are not required to attach the whole article)
iii. Following each paper and accompanying completed tool, you should complete a summary detailing how you came to the decision regarding answering the various questions within the tool and whether you decide to include or exclude the study based on your appraisal.
iv. Create a table to summarise your findings. Remember, You MUST focus purely on the quality of the literature there is no need to discuss the specific findings of the paper.

NB: There is no need to include a conclusion or summary for your assignment as this will be part of Assignment 4.

NST6100 Literature Review Assignment

Below is a sample flow of what the second component of the assignment should look like:

Article 1:
1. Screenshot of the front page of your chosen article copied and pasted into your assignment
2. Completed Critical Appraisal Tool (Paper 1). Copy and paste the completed tool into your assignment.
3. Summary Paragraph (Paper 1- Include/Exclude, Justify findings of critical appraisal)

Article 2 etc. (Repeat for all your 4 articles)

1. Continue with the same format for all 4 articles.

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