Subject Code & Title :- NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing
Assessment Type :- Written Assignment
Weighting :- (65% – equivalent to
Relevant SILOs:
1 Apply the clinical reasoning cycle to plan nursing care across the lifespan and in different contexts
2 Demonstrate academic study and writing skills for transition to university studies including identifying authoritative sources to inform evidence-based scholarly practice in nursing.
3 Outline principles of law and ethics for professional nursing practice
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
Rationale :-
Nurses face many challenging situations in their workplace, and sometimes, this may challenge a person’s ethical boundaries. Under standing these boundaries can be complex, how ever is imperative. In Australia the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) provides guidelines for practice and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) provides the code of ethics for nurses. These principles and guidelines are an effective tool to be used in decision making and clinical reasoning.
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
Case Scenario :-
Arnold Perera is an 87-year-old male who was admitted to hospital 2 weeks ago due to a syncopal episode. He fell down a flight of stairs and sustained a fractured neck of femur and multiple fractured ribs. He has a past medical history of hyper tension diabetes and in the last 6 months, has experienced a functional decline. In the last month he has needed to call on additional support. This was difficult for Arnold as he was a previously very independent person. He had recently completed an enduring medical power of attorney form where he listed his daughter as his medical power of attorney.
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
During his hospital stay Arnold’s condition has deteriorated and the medical team coincidentally found a stage 4 cancer that had spread to his lungs, bowels, and brain. The medical team predicted he would have 3 months to live. The medical team first disclosed this information to Kim Arnold’s daughter. Kim begged the medical team to not tell her father as it would lead to him living in fear and she was scared this news would send his health spirally downwards further.
Assessment Instructions :-
This assessment requires you to consider the case study above and discuss the situation in relation to the four ethical principles: autonomy justice beneficence and non male ficence. Students must refer to the ICN code of ethics and the NMBA code of conduct or standards for practice.
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
This assessment will consist of 2 parts:
• Part A will include plan of your essay
• Part B will be the academic essay
Part A (500 words (+/- 10%)): Develop a plan for your essay.
The following subheadings must be used:
• Introduction
• Paragraph 1
• Paragraph 2
• Paragraph 3
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
Your plan must include the following information:
• Introduction
o This introduction should ideally be what you plan to use in Part B.
• Topic sentence for each paragraph that you plan to include in your Part B essay (three paragraphs).
o Dot points under each topic sentence to include what will be discussed in the body of the paragraphs.
o One reference you plan to use in each of the three paragraphs
1. Reference cannot be the ICN code of ethics, or the NMBA code of conduct or the standards of practice as these are mandatory references to use). Students must demonstrate they have searched the literature and reference must be a peer reviewed journal article.
2. Reference to be placed at the end of each paragraph and in APA 7.
• Reference list at the end, in APA 7.
o References used must be from within the last ten years from credible sources (2011 – 2022).
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
Part B (1500 words (+/- 10%)): Writing the essay.
Using the feedback provided from part A, students will write an academic essay, discussing three out of the four ethical principles of autonomy justice beneficence and non-maleficence. Students will use the case study provided as a reference point. Students should not write out the scenario as it will be assumed the marker knows the scenario.
• Subheadings are recommended but optional.
• Essay must include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
• Reference list at the end, in APA 7.
o References used must be from within the last ten years from credible sources
NSG2BNT Medicine And Nursing Assignment
Other Assessment Instructions:
This assignment should be written using essay format. A guide for the process of writing is provided on the following link: