NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing Essay 

Subject Code & Title :- NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing
Assessment Type :- Essay Assignment
Word count :- 1200
1. Examine the development of the advanced practice nurse role as a specialist in the delivery of primary health care. Synthesise the essence of a minimum of four articles and discuss their application to advanced practice in the delivery of primary  health care.
NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing Essay 

NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing Essay 

Word count = 1, 200 (plus/minus 10%) Formatting

1.This should be written and submitted through the Turnitin link on canvas.  

2.Support your essay with a range of quality relevant references from 2017-2022.

3.This assessment will be graded against  the SNM rubric attached.

4.Formatting instructions for the assignment are attached.

5.You can use the following subheadings to structure your assignment:

o Student details- Title page
o Introduction
o Background (background information–definitions, origins of advanced practice roles)
o Development of advanced practice (Factors influencing the development of advanced practice in nursing – historical and political influences- provide examples from different health care systems)
o Implications the implications for the profession and for the practice of nursing–provide examples from different health care systems. Consider ethics aspects
o Conclusion
o References

NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing Essay 

Note :
Examples of previous assignments – please be aware that these are deidentified student assignments. The grammar and writing style may not be perfect the formatting may not be perfect the references are too old so they are useful to demonstrate examples of how to answer the assignment, but you will be able to improve on these examples.)

The title page provides information for the marker it is centred

Title of Assignment [Use heading 1 style]
Student name 
Jane Bolo add your name – use normal style
Student number 12345678 add your student number
School of Nursing and Midwifery Edith Cowan University

Unit code and title NNI5101 Professional Issues in Clinical Nursing add the code and name of the unit

Title of Assignment
Formatting is as per APA7 guidelines.
i. Margins are the default page margin used in most computer systems-
ii. 2.54 cm on all sides ( top, bottom, left and right)
iii. Paragraph alignment is left aligned with the right side left uneven.
iv. Double spaced throughout, with no extra spacings before or after headings.
v. Each paragraph is indented one tab-5 spaces(1.27cm).
vi. Font- use the same font throughout the paper eg Calibri 11 Arial 11 Times New Roman 12

NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing Essay 

NNI5101 Professional Issues In Clinical Nursing Essay 

a. The papers title is bolded and centred above the first paragraph.
b. If only one level of heading is needed use Level 1. If two levels of heading are required use Levels 1 and 2 and so on.
c. Note: The structure of your assignment and the assignment instructions will deter mine whether your paper has just main headings or headings and subheadings.
d. Typical research paper sections literature review methods results discussion use Level 1 headings as shown below.
e. Level 1 headings are centred bold and use title case. Title case is each word in the heading begins with a capital letter.The text begins as a new paragraph following this level heading.
f. Level 2 headings are left-aligned bold title case. The text begins as a new paragraph following this level heading.
g. Level 3 headings are left-aligned bold italics title case.The text begins as a new paragraph following this level heading.

The first paragraph is understood to be an introduction, so there is no need to use Introduction as a heading to begin. Just start with the introductory paragraph.

Interview Techniques

Body Language

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat dui vitae accumsan fermentum. Duis mollis tempor dolor, sit amet malesuada purus tempus a. Mauris pretium nisi justo, id molestie metus mattis eu (Peck, 2014). Morbi blandit maximus suscipit.

Donec vulputate nisl dolor non vestibulum quam aliquam nec(Ferguson, 2013). Cras sed dui vel leo sagittis eleifend sodales nec lacus. Curabitur interdum consequat placerat(Peck, 2014). Ut ac dolor eu lectus placerat posuere eget vel velit.

Penati bus fames tristique nostra condimentum placer at vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar Ferguson 2013.Quisque sed sagittis leo, vel molestie nisi. Etiam tristique scelerisque elementum. Donec vitae felis rhoncus, sollicitudin tortor in laoreet ante. Quisque placerat volutpat lectus in venenatis quam varius vitae Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA] 2016 Standard 5.3). Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasell us viverra mattis eleif end. Suspendisse in ipsum volutpat tempus nulla at pulvinar diam. Proin ultrices lacinia nulla et auctor enim rutrum sit amet.

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