Subject Code :- MHGT3009
Assignment Title :- Business Development And Growth
Assessment Type :- Assignment 1
PURPOSE :- The purpose of this assessment is to ensure students are able to demonstrate their analysis and recommendations of potential solutions to issues/problems posed using the relevant course content covered each week.
MHGT3009 Business Development And Growth Assignment 1
Case study and scenario analysis reflects the practical application of the business growth topics addressed throughout the course.Typically questions align with relevant weekly topics. Short answers (400 words per question) submission is required. There are two rounds of short answer questions and two questions per round. In each round, one question will relate to the business case study linked back to the course content. The other question will focus on course content only.
The objective is to demonstrate how your understanding of the course content can be identified in and applied to actual small business scenarios.
Preparatory Details and Special Workshops
This is your opportunity to demonstrate your application of learning by engaging with ideas presented in our workshops and networking with other students to learn from one another. The small business community values learning from others and connecting with other business owners This assessment is designed to mimic that opportunity.
To meet the assessment requirement you need to prepare by:
• Learning about our Australian business case study – Emma & Tom’s. A number of business resources podcasts news stories and interviews have been made available in the Emma & Tom’s module on our Canvas site. You may also choose to search out your own material to help learn more about the business.
• Attending our two scheduled special workshops (see the Course Outline and Canvas calendar. This is your opportunity to learn from one another ask me questions and even complete the questions in class where possible.
• Keeping up with the course content and readings each week to ensure your answers reflect the course content and themes addressed regarding small business growth.
Instructions To Complete The Short Answer Questions
1.0 Assessment Criteria (minimum)
The following four assessment criteria will be applied to assess each round of short answer questions:
• Evidence of a clear understanding of the case study and relevant course content.
• Demonstrated ability to apply growth and sustainability approaches to the situation provided..
• Demonstrated ability to apply critical thinking to the situation presented.
Answers reflect a logical and discernible argument.
• Answers are presented using a layout and writing style that is easy to under stand and demon strate attention to detail.
2.0 Assessment Criteria (to maximise mark opportunities)
Looking to boost your mark opportunities? Addressing these areas can help to boost your marks.
• Referring to the course material (and week) to support your answers.
• Drawing parallels to other similar small business experiences you have heard about.
• Providing evidence of breadth of reading outside the course content.
3.0 General Assessment Points To Remember
• You are not required to provide academic references in your answers but you are welcome to include them if you want to reflect depth of reading. Please refer to the rubric for guidance about the referencing expectation. Students who choose to demonstrate additional research may attract a higher grade. References are not included in the word count.
• Think like a small business owner Step into those growth shoes and demonstrate your ability to think strategically to grow a business.
• Using the first person perspective in this assessment is fine For example you might choose to say I would do or If I were the business owner I would…
• Please keep to the word count – 400 words per question. This is usually about two paragraphs only. Total is 800 words per round.
• Answers must be submitted via Turnitin by the due date.
• Short answer feedback is provided This assessment is staggered two rounds so you have an opportunity to improve submissions as needed.
MHGT3009 Business Development And Growth Assignment 1
Q1. We’ve talked about four growth strategies market penetration market development product service development and diversification. Use the Emma & Tom’s case material to identify one of the four strategies they have used and explain how they implemented it in the business.
Q2. Thinking about entrepreneurial traits and decision-making strategies do you think small business owners are more likely to use a systematic or bounded rationality approach to decision making? Why?
Q1. Emma & Tom’s label operations management as the risk of real because they are producing a fresh product with short use-by dates. If you were the Production Planner what key information would you have on your dashboard to help with production planning to ensure orders are filled, ingredients are available and wastage is low? Explain why.
Q2. Wolfe & Patel (2019) argue that autonomy for the self-employed can be dangerous. Why?
In your opinion what could you do to ensure the freedoms of self-employment support good mental health?
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