LGH602BM Leadership For Global Hospitality Assignment 

Subject Code and Title :- LGH602BM Leadership for Global Hospitality
Assessment :- Leadership Profile
Individual/Group :- Individual
Length :- 1,750 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting :- 30%
Assessment Task :-
Critically evaluate the application of core leadership theories demonstrated by an industry based leader through developing a profile of their responses actions and behaviours to a chosen leadership area of discussion.
LGH602BM Leadership For Global Hospitality Assignment 

LGH602BM Leadership For Global Hospitality Assignment 

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.

Learning Outcomes :-
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

a) Identify and reflect on effective leadership outcomes with in the current hotel industry.
b) Identify and appraise core theories in contemporary literature used to explain relevant behaviours for leadership in different contexts and for different stakeholders.
c) Investigate and critically reflect on the emerging contemporary drivers in effective leadership.

Context :-
Leadership is an important component of professional life both the leadership of others and one self. The development of your leadership knowledge will assist your career progression in particular managing teams in hospitality. A vital component of that development is an under standing of how leadership is currently being implemented in industry today.

This assessment will evaluate your ability to identify and reflect on effective leadership outcomes using the core leadership theories presented in this subject.

Task Instructions :-
You will be presented with several different areas of discussion currently topical in the global hospitality industry. Examples of these areas of discussion may include sustainability ethics diversity and inclusion and employee relations. The areas of discussion for this assessment will be provided to students in the first week of the subject.

1.You will need to select and critically review one area only.

2. After selecting your area of discussion, you will then need to choose a hotel brand that has been or is currently focusing on that particular area. You are then to develop a profile on the leadership demonstrated by the hotel brand by considering a series of questions provided below critically evaluating the effectiveness of the leadership demonstrated using the knowledge you have gained up to and including Week 4.

Your Leadership Profile should consider the following points, using this suggested format:

Torrens Assessment Cover Sheet
Table of Contents

Introduction – Outline what the topic of the report is and then briefly discuss what the reader will learn from reading the report. This section does not usually include any referencing.

1.Context for the Leadership Profile
1.1.Explain the area of discussion you have chosen – why is this an important area for global hospitality?
1.2.Identify and briefly overview the hotel brand that you have chosen for this profile.
1.3.Why are they a leader in this area what specific initiatives/programs have been developed and implemented in relation to the area of discussion?
1.4.How were these initiatives shared and communicated with employees and with in the broader community?
1.5.How have they been publicly recognised in relation to this area of discussion? For example have they won awards peer praise industry recognition etc.?

LGH602BM Leadership For Global Hospitality Assignment 

LGH602BM Leadership For Global Hospitality Assignment 

The Leadership Profile
2.1. Outline the four (4) most significant leadership characteristics behaviours and attitudes that have been used/applied throughout the implementation of these initiatives?
2.2. Outline any evidence that would indicate whether the hotel brand adopted a particular style of leadership through out the implementation of these initiatives. Base this section on the topics covered up to and including Week 4.

Critical Evaluation
3.1. Using the core theories of leadership discussed in the curriculum as a frame work under take a critical evaluation of the leadership behaviours attitudes actions and styles used to determine whether the leadership can be considered effective.
3.2. Make two (2) recommendations on ways in which the hotel brand could have improved their leadership during this period and/or in the future.

Conclusion :- Summarise the key points that you made in the body of your report including the main theory applied. Do not include new information or any references in a Conclusion It is simply a summary of previous information.

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