JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

Subject Code & Title : JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review
Assignment Title: Literature Review on Evidence-Based Practice in PVAW in a selected setting
Assignment Type :- Assessment 2
Weighting: 40%
Word Count : (2000 words)
This assignment develops your research and critical analysis skills, through undertaking independent desktop research in the form of a literature review. You can access RMIT learning support on what constitutes a literature review here (Links to an external site.).
JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

For this assignment, you are asked to provide a review of the evidence for the primary prevention of violence against women, with a particular focus on why this work might be done in a particular setting.  We suggest you do a little background research before choosing your focus area, to make sure that there is enough material out there for your literature review, and to make sure that you are happy to continue with this topic into Assignment 3.

You may select one of the following four settings for your literature review:
 education and care settings for children and young people 
 workplaces, corporations and employee organisations 
 sports, recreation, social and leisure spaces 
 media

There are many different ways to structure your literature review, but if you’re not sure where to start, you might like to follow this general outline:

1. Your paper should include a Title page, including a title for your paper, your student name and number, course name and assessment number
2. Introduction: Include an introduction that clearly identifies your chosen topic/setting, the overall argument of the literature review (which is normally a summation of a key finding and/or notable gap), and an indication of the order of the literature to be discussed.
3. Definitions: there should be at least a paragraph that draws on the scholarly literature, and potentially policy/government sources, to clearly define what primary prevention is, and some examples of the kinds of settings and activities that it might commonly include. This might feature as part of your introduction, or it may be an additional stand alone paragraph.
4. Review paragraphs that summarise and discuss key areas/issues of evidence from your literature. These might be approximately 4 to 6 paragraphs for a paper of this length, and each paragraph should be focused on one key issue or finding from your reading of the research evidence. For example, there might be paragraphs that discuss the evidence for: why your chosen setting is important for primary prevention work, the range of program types and example activities in this setting, successful features of programs or activities in this setting, what works in other settings that could be adapted to your chosen setting, and gaps in knowledge (such as research gaps, evaluation gaps, a lack of programs).
5.Conclusion: You should include a concluding paragraph that concisely summarises the main findings from your review of the evidence, and overall argument made (which might be about the need for further research, and/or the need for further programs and evaluation evidence for your particular setting).
6. References: A complete list in APA style of all sources cited in the paper must be included. It is anticipated that for a paper of this length, you would have a minimum of 15 sources, with at least 10 of those from scholarly journal articles, and you may have additional references from credible government or non- government reports.

JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

Learning Outcomes:
1. CLO 1: Deconstruct and reflect on the role of gender inequality and other intersecting inequalities in driving violence against women.
2. CLO 2: Critically examine and apply theories of socio-cultural, socio- structural, community and organisational change to the problems of gender in equality and violence.
3. CLO 3: Develop critical analyses of, and propose activities for, the primary prevention of violence against women.

What Topic should I choose?
Most of the research evidence in PVAW is in 4 key settings: Workplaces, Education/Schools,the Media, and Sports. We suggest that you start by choosing one of these 4 settings to focus on.

JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

Where do I start finding research?
There are three sites that you are going to find really helpful. 1) is this Canvas site: start with the readings relevant to your topic, and look at their references list. Mining the reference list of a recent article is a good way to identify what other articles and reports are key in the field. 2) Google Scholar (Links to an external site.): pop in some search terms for your topic, limit the time to the last 10 years and see what you can find. 3) RMIT Library (Links to an external site.): Login for full access to the resources RMIT has freely available.

What should I include in my paper?
This literature review is a summary of the evidence to support your next assessment, where you will be designing a program for your chosen setting. A good literature review is first going to need to define what primary prevention of violence against women is, what are the features of ‘good practice’ or ‘successful’ programs? Why is your setting an important and useful one for focusing PVAW work? What does primary prevention look like in your specific setting?

I can’t find any articles on my topic?
Maybe your search terms are too narrow. You can also look at examples of other successful programs that could be adapted to your setting. What does the research evidence suggest are the important features of those programs that you might need to know about if you plan to adapt the program?

How many references do I need?
Read the marking rubric, which is available on the Assessment 2 page with the full instructions. It clearly states that the benchmark for a top grade is: “15 credible and relevant references, and a minimum of 10 scholarly references”.

What are Scholarly references?
This refers to peer reviewed research publications – mostly these will be academic journal articles, and academic books or book chapters.

JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

What about Credible references?
You can also cite reports and papers from credible sources. Good examples are government reports, policy discussion papers and non-government research reports from respected organisations such as: ANROWS Our Watch Vic Health the Australian Institute of Family Studies the World Health Organisation and the United Nations.

What do you mean by “Relevant” references?
The 15 or more references that you use need to be related to the topic of primary prevention and/or violence against women in some way. Some times students try to top-up their reference list to get to the magical 15+ number of sources by adding any old reference vaguely in the field of crime or health etc. But we are not just interested in the number of sources you use – we also will be looking for the quality and relevance of those sources.

Can I go over the word limit?
Yes, by approximately 10% (ie, 200 words).

JUST2344 Preventing Violence Against Women Literature Review Assessment

Are the references included in the word limit?
Your in-text citations are, e.g. (Powell, 2020). But your reference list is not included in the word limit.

How should I structure my literature review?
If you’re not sure how to get started start by writing a 1 page plan for your literature review. For example:

literature review need?
Include your name and student number in a header or footer. Use a clear plain font such as Times New Roman or Calibri 12 pt). Space your text by 1.5 lines and format your paragraphs to justify. Include your reference list at the end which should be formatted in APA format Links to an external site. and only includes references that you cited in the text.Referencing should be in APA format

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