Subject Code & Title :- ITC539 Android App Development
Value :- 10%
Group Assessment :- No
TASK :- Most applications have a user profile page where users can update their details. In this assessment you will design and implement an android app that will collect the most common type of user data used to build a user’s profile. You will use your first Hello World app to implement this design (you should have completed this in the first topic of this subject).
ITC539 Android App Development Assignment
To successfully complete this assessment you will need to:
1. Create a new activity.
2. Change the layout to linear layout.
3. Design a profile page with the following elements:
a. Add a First Name field using an EditText element with input type attribute plain text.
b. Add a Last Name field using an EditText element with input type attribute plain text.
c. Add a Student ID field using an EditText element with input type attribute number and limit the input to a 7-digit number.
d. Add an Address field using an EditText element with input type attribute text and limit it to any address in Australia.
e. Add a Submit button with attribute onClick.
ITC539 Android App Development Assignment
Upon clicking the Submit button, the program should check the validity of the input data. First and last names can only contain the alphabet, ‘.’, ‘-‘, and blank spaces. The student ID should be exactly a 7-digit number and cannot start with zero. No validation is required for the address field and can contain any characters. No character length restrictions for names and address fields. If any input data is invalid, the app should alert the user using a dialog otherwise summarize all the entered profile data and display to the user using dialog for confirmation.
ITC539 Android App Development Assignment
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
1. be able to write examine and critique Java program code for Android applications.
2. be able to build and develop a user interface for the Android platform using sound user interface design principles.
ITC539 Android App Development Assignment
Please make sure you have the following:
i. The complete source code of your android app (i.e., the android studio project).
ii. The final version of your .apk file.
iii. Write up the process of implementing this design in a word file (optional).