Subject Code and Title : IMB101FC Introduction to Marketing & Branding
Assessment: Brand and customer brief video presentation
Individual/Group : Individual
Length: 5 minutes
Weighting : 30%
Learning Outcomes:
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the assessment task include:
a) Discuss marketing concepts and their relevance to travel and tourism organisations
b) Analyse customer needs and outline their implications to organisational marketing and branding objectives
IMB101FC Introduction To Marketing And Branding Assignment
Task Summary:
This assessment requires you to identify and align customer needs within organisational branding.You will be required to conduct research into the branding of organisations within the travel and tourism industry and verbally present your findings in a 5-minute video presentation accompanied by PowerPoint slides.
This subject is designed to make you aware of the key aspects of an organisation’s branding and the importance of aligning it to suit your customer needs to result in an exceptional customer experience.
Organisations rely heavily on their brand and branding in order to market their products and services successfully. It is imperative for you as a future industry professional to be able to identify various brands and align them with the customer’s needs.
This awareness will enable you to prepare for your future career and build meaningful professional relationships throughout the industry.
Task Instructions:
For the purpose of Assessment 1, your learning facilitator will allocate you a Customer Brief from the Assessment 1 resource – ‘Customer Brief List’. To successfully complete Assessment 1, you are required to:
1.Review your allocated customer brief in full.
2.Identify and analyse the key requirements requested by the customer.
3.Conduct independent research to identify and propose a suitable brand solution to address the requirements of the customer brief.
4.Draw on your knowledge and skills developed throughout your studies so far to prepare and record a 5-minute video presentation which includes five to six PowerPoint slides on the brand you have selected. Please ensure your presentation includes:
• Identification of the chosen brand and an overview of its organisational profile (i.e., its strengths and weaknesses; why has it worked/not worked; to what extent does it contribute to a positive customer experience)
• A full explanation that supports your chosen brand that addresses how it aligns with the customer’s requirements and exceeds the customer’s expectations A reference to the chosen brand at the end of your PowerPoint slides.
IMB101FC Introduction To Marketing And Branding Assessment
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research or images used.All referencing must be in accordance with the university’s APA Referencing and Academic Writing Guide. For more information on referencing, go to
Submission Instructions:
Submit your recording and PowerPoint presentation for Assessment 1: Brand and customer brief via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in IMB101FC Introduction to Marketing and Branding. Your assessment will be formally graded via the Grade Centre by your learning facilitator and feedback will be provided through My Grades.
Information for uploading your presentation
• Detailed instructions on compressing (if necessary) and uploading a video presentation is available
• Submit the recorded presentation via the Assessment 1: Brand and customer brief submission link in the main navigation menu in IMB101FC Introduction to Marketing and Branding
• After uploading your video presentation, retain a copy in a safe place.
Academic Integrity Declaration:
I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable
IMB101FC Introduction To Marketing And Branding Assessment
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
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