Semester 1
Unit Code :- ICT 205
Weight :- 20%
Word limit :- 1000
Unit Title :- Mobile Application Development
Assessment Type :- Individual Assessment
Assessment Title :- Laboratory Session Week 8
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) :-
ULO 1. Apply web knowledge to the development of mobile applications
ULO 2. Design user interface for touch screen applications
ULO 3. Build Software application for mobile use.
ICT205 Mobile Application Development Assignment
Submission Guidelines :-
1. All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
2. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA referencing style.
Extension :-
1. Extensions to assignment deadlines not including exams based on mitigating circumstances shall be at the discretion of the Lecturer for a unit Miti gating circumstances are circumstances out side of the students control that have had an adverse effect on the student’s work or ability to work Extensions of up to three days are permissible.
2. Students must email or other wise write to the Lecturer prior to the due date for an assessment item The student must produce a copy of their work to date on the assessment demonstrating that they have commenced work.
Academic Misconduct :-
1. Academic mis conduct involves cheating collusion plagiarism or any other conduct that deliberately or in advertently claims owner ship of an idea or concept with out acknowledging the source of the information. This includes any form of activity that negates the academic integrity of the student or another student and or their work. Please refer 2.6 Academic mis conduct plagiarism collusion and cheating for further details.
ICT205 Mobile Application Development Assignment
Assignment Description
You are required to perform Start New Activity on Button Click in Android Studio and required to upload the screens along with brief description at the end of lab test on the Moodle.