Subject Code & title :- EDF5780 Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Assessment 1 Information: Reflective portfolio
Reflective portfolio (2000 words equivalent 50%)
This task aligns with unit learning outcomes: 1 2 and 3
EDF5780 Creating Inclusive Learning Environments Assignment
1.identify contemporary trends issues and policies shaping the state of inclusive educational environment and the social political economic cultural and historical issues surrounding inclusive education
2.document and articulate evidence of pedagogical and systemic approaches which support diversity inclusion and participation to create inclusive environment
3.engage with and evaluate the perspectives and contemporary issues facing inclusive educators
4.demonstrate appropriate application of inclusive practices in developing a case study of a socio- ecological issue of relevance in the field of inclusive education.
Details of task: The purpose of Assignment 1 is to
· facilitate the development of your research skills by researching relevant literature related to a chosen issue or contemporary debate in inclusive education.
EDF5780 Creating Inclusive Learning Environments Assignment
· support you to document and articulate evidence to position and discuss the implications of the issue or contemporary debate on students full participation and learning.
· engage with and critically evaluate research and analyse relevant literature in terms of how the issue or contemporary debate you have selected impacts on educator and or students in inclusive classrooms.
Assignment 1 is designed to be completed in two parts.
Title of report :- select your own title which reflects the content of your essay
Choose an issue or contemporary debate in the field of inclusive education briefly outline the issue or debate and provide a brief summary of both sides and your position in relation to the topic.
EDF5780 Creating Inclusive Learning Environments Assignment
Draw on a personal experience and your readings to position the argument in relation to one issue or
contemporary debate in inclusive education (500 words [+ or – 10%])
Part 1 :– must capture readers attention and introduce the position you are taking in relation to an issue or contemporary debate in your essay consider referencing policy documents and journal articles in this section
Part II – .
Research 5 academic articles related to the issue or contemporary debate in the field of inclusive education in English and present them as an annotated bibliography 1500 words + or – 10%.
The following headings may help you to structure the contents of the annotated bibliography:
· a brief summary of the article’s content
· methods and rationale used for searching and writing the literature review
· key findings from the research literature organised under subheadings
· a brief reflection synthesis on the implications of the articles and how they contribute to or refute your over all position Academic writing and references (20%):
· Language used including grammar, spelling and expression.
· Clarity and logic of writing, structure and communication style.
· Use of respectful language.
· Use of APA style for citations and referencing
EDF5780 Creating Inclusive Learning Environments Assignment
References are not counted in the word count and all references need to be situated in a reference list at the end of the document