Subject Code & Title :- ECE6004 Learning Experiences
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Worth :- 40%
Length or Duration :- 1,500 Words equivalent
Overview :- Develop a sequence of teaching ideas to support language learning in an early childhood setting
ECE6004 Learning Experiences Assignment
The purpose of this assessment task is to:
1. Demonstrate your under standing of how to effectively and knowled gably support childrens learning &
development through creating language and multi literacy rich learning environments.
2. Plan play based and age appropriate experiences which reflect how children make meaning through communication practices and how they engage in multi literacies including children with English as an additional language.
ECE6004 Learning Experiences Assignment
The learning outcomes of this assessment are:
LO2: Articulate ways multi-literacies are generated by capable young children and how they contribute to how young children engage with language.
LO3: Devise a range of curriculum that supports complex meaning making in language in diverse early child hood contexts.
LO4: Demonstrate an under standing of supporting childrens language learning in rich environments including children with English as an additional language.
Imagine that you are working at an Early Childhood Service as a kindergarten teacher.
You have been asked to plan 4 connected learning experiences that support both children’s language AND multi literacy learning & development.
ECE6004 Learning Experiences Assignment
1.Introduction- Start with a brief (approx. 350 words) introduction demonstrating your under standing of language and multiliteracy learning in Early Childhood; as well as the importance of the role of the teacher in constructing multiliteracy-rich environment. 2
2.State what age group you are planning for on the top right corner choose either toddlers 2-3 y/o or preschool 3-5 y/o).
3. Learning experiences You need to plan 4 connected learning experiences for the chosen age group of children with a focus
ECE6004 Learning Experiences Assignment
a Title of the learning experience
b.Learning Intentions – what are the teaching intentions? What would the children learn from this experience? remember the focus is language and multiliteracy learning).
c.Resources – list out any resources you will use in this learning experience.
d.Strategies/Session Notes – detailed description of how you will carry out this experience. What teaching strategies would you use to achieve the learning intentions? What is the teacher’s role in this before during after the experiences (eg: what intentional teaching is happening? What interaction is happening?) How would the environment be set up? What resources will you use?
e. Justifications – this section is on the right-hand column of your template. This is where you include particular links to literature and VEYLDF Outcome 5. For each learning experience you will need to explain and justify the connections to readings literature and VEYLDF Learning Outcome 5 (eg: how does this experience link to a particular descriptor in Outcome 5?)
NOTE: if you simply list out the readings and LO5 with out justifications and explanations you will not get any score for this section score for this section.
ECE6004 Learning Experiences Assignment
5. All 4 learning experiences need to be play-based. At least 1 of the above learning experiences will have to be independent play (ie. The teacher is not directly involved). This is a good opportunity for you to think about and explain the role of the teacher in the session notes.
ECE6004 Learning Experiences Assignment
6.There is no minimum referencing requirement use as many resources as you like. How ever ALL resources will need to be properly referenced. (Eg: If you have listed a book that you would like to read with children, you need to include this book in your resources and reference list)
7. Consult the rubric before submitting your Learning Experiences to the Dropbox. Referencing is Harvard style.
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