CHCECE012 Support Children To Connect With Their World Assignment

Subject Code & Title :- CHCECE012 Support Children To Connect With Their World
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Assessment Instructions
Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to demonstrate competency in each relevant unit.
CHCECE012 Support Children To Connect With Their World Assignment

CHCECE012 Support Children To Connect With Their World Assignment

Attempting assessment tasks
You are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions.

Assessment Outcomes :-
The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency based.

For each assessment under taken you will be assessed as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. Where you are assessed as ‘Not Satisfactory’ the trainer/assessor will provide you with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for resubmission.

Reasonable Adjustment
Students may apply for reasonable adjustment to assessment tasks. If you feel reasonable adjustment may apply to you please discuss further with Rise Education and Training.

Accessing Required Readings
Students will need to access the Required Readings throughout the assessment process.
These readings provide important under pinning knowledge and key information to help students provide appropriate responses to assessment tasks. It is important that each student reads these to build a better under standing of the Early Childhood requirements and how to effectively contribute to the Education and Care of young children.

Students are able to access these readings online via hyper links under the Required Readings heading on this document or in your USB at the commencement of each question provided by Rise Education and Training.

Approach to assessment decisions in relation to assessment
Evidence of competency will be collected on a continuous basis through out the unit.
Assessments are to be submitted as per the delivery plan provided to you at orientation induction. You are required to attend scheduled classes as per the delivery plan including working on assessments during scheduled class time and submitting assessments on time.

You will be given the opportunity to build the required knowledge and skills through training before attempting the associated assessment task.
To achieve competency in a unit you must satisfactorily meet all the requirements of all assessment tasks.

Rise Education uses the following assessment outcomes to make judgement for an individual assessment task:
 Satisfactory (S), or
 Not Satisfactory (NS)

Rise Education uses the following codes to record an outcome for a unit of competency:
 Competent (C)
 Not Yet Competent (NYC)
 Credit Transfer (CT)
 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Re-Submission of an Assessment Task
You will be eligible for re submission if after being assessed further evidence is required to be deemed Satisfactory (S).

You have 3 opportunity to re submit. If you cannot satisfy all the requirements of the assessment after resubmitting they will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.

Prior to any resubmission you will be given feedback on the evidence they have already provided and/guided as to the additional requirements to deem them satisfactory for the assessment task.

Re-submission of any part (question/s) of a re-assessment may be in writing and evidence must be included with the original or completed submission.

Your trainer may choose to verbally question you to gain more evidence of your understanding for a question
which you do not answer successfully on the first attempt.

The answers you provide ver bally will then be added in the assessment and a record of this verbal questioning will be added by your trainer in the comments section on the assessment.

If you don’t qualify for a re-submission or still deemed Not Satisfactory (NS) after a re submission you will need to re-enrol and undertake further training before a re-assessment can occur.

Demonstrating Competency
To demonstrate competence you must complete all assessment tasks. Each task is linked to specific competency element/s or critical aspects of assessment. Satisfactory completion of all assessment tasks for a unit of competency will generate a Competent (C) result.

Workplace Observation Assessment
As part of your assessment for this unit(s), your Assessor will organise a time and date to visit you at legislated child care setting to observe you demonstrating your skills in your workplace that reflect elements and criteria of this unit(s) of competency.

Cheating Collusion and Plagiarism
Acting dishonestly in connection to any assessment conducted by Rise Education will result in a heavy penalty being imposed upon you including cancellation of your course enrolment. Acting dis honestly includes cheating by;

 copying from another student’s work
 using cheat notes during a closed book assessment
 colluding with other you to provide answers to assessments which are not your own
 plagiarising from another student’s work or from a published author
 any combination of the above.

Plagiarism is taking and using someone else’s work ideas writings or inventions and representing
them as your own.

Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a unit or a course. If you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessments please consult with your trainer.

CHCECE012 Support Children To Connect With Their World Assignment

CHCECE012 Support Children To Connect With Their World Assignment

The following list outlines some of the activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:
1. Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally or intentionally
2. Handing in assessments markedly similar to, or copied from another student
3. Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.
4. Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including

assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.
Please Note: Penalties for plagiarism will be the same as applies to cheating.

Your Assessor will compare handwriting and paraphrasing to authentic your work and use a Web based online plagiarism tool to identify if any part of an assessment submission is identical to a pre-published work.

Cheating Collusion and Plagiarism are classified as Academic Misconduct.The penalties for academic mis conduct include the following:

1. marking your assessment as “Not Satisfactory”.
2. Marking your unit of competency as being “Not Yet Competent”
3. Cancellation of your enrolment.

Student Appeals
You have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals must be made in writing using the Appeals Form and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision or finding.

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