Unit Title :- Business Research Project
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Chapter 1: Introduction :-
This section should provide some back ground of the subject that forms the principle theme of your report. Id the report is designed to solve a perceived problem the history of the problem can be reviewed here culminating in the situation that prompted the report to be written. You should also provide some key information about the organization in which your research is based, if applicable.
Business Research Project Assessment
1.1 Research back ground
1.2 Research specification (Research questions, research aim and research objectives
Business Research Project Assessment
Chapter 2: Literature Review
This section should be structured around the key themes of your research. Conduct a literature review using a range of sources relating to the research topic. Evaluate the validity and reliability of sources discussing current understanding on the research topic area. In your report discuss the literature found and how they relate or otherwise to the research topic. Your report should critically evaluate literature in order to assess the validity of the literature in supporting the research topic.
2.1 (Insert different themes of subheading of literature review)
2.2 (Insert different themes of subheading of literature review)
2.3 (Insert different themes of subheading of literature review)
2.4 (Insert different themes of subheading of literature review)
Business Research Project Assessment
Chapter 3: Research Methodology and Data Collection
3.1 Research philosophy
3.2 Research approach
3.3 Research design (types of research, types of data collected)
3.3.1 Quantitative research design (type of method and how it is designed)
3.3.2 Qualitative research design (typo of method and how it is designed)
3.4 Research data collection
3.4.1 Sampling
3.4.2 Study duration/Time horizon (optional)
3.4.3. Pilot study
3.4.4 Quantitative data collection & analysis
3.4.5. Qualitative data collection & analysis
3.5 Ethical considerations
Business Research Project Assessment
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion of Results
This section should bring together your secondary and primary research and your findings. A discussion section in answering the research question is necessary to highlight the research findings. In this section you should say what your facts and findings mean i.e. discuss the key implications arising from the wealth of details you may have collected. Your findings and outcomes should relate back to your initial research objective and proposal
4.1 Quantitative data findings
4.2 Qualitative data findings
4.3 Discussion of findings
Business Research Project Assessment
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Research limitations should highlight the limitations and difficulties encountered in suing the research methods and data collection menthids chosen. Your recommendations should clearly spell out your ideas to enable them to be acted upon. Recommendations should also discuss the other research methods proposed or recommended for other researchers to use.
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Research limitations
5.3 Future research recommendations