Assessment Method :- Case study (simulated workplace).
Assessment Type :- Summative
Assessment Description (What?)
This assessment task is project work for you to manage human resources within a portfolio including capacity planning capacity assessment assignment and coordination of human resources for a portfolio. Using the simulated workplace and the scenario in the appendix, provide solutions to manage human resources within a portfolio. This case study assessment consists of two parts as part A and part B. Part A is about assessing portfolio resources capacity and skills and experience. Part B is about assigning project and program resources coordinating and prioritise resources. Relevant policies and procedures of policies and procedure manual of simulated workplace must be used to under take the following task.
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
Purpose of the Assessment (Why?)
To gather evidence of your ability to apply skills and knowledge consistently to manage human resources within a portfolio.
Assessment Date/s and Timing/s (When?)
1.This assessment will be conducted according to the training delivery session plan.
2.Assessor will specify the timings for assessment and evidence submission date/s and timing/s.
Assessment Context (Where and in what condition)
1. Assessment is conducted in the training room in a simulated and safe environment where you must perform consistently applying skills and knowledge.
2.You must also provide written solutions to the activities in a word processed document with evidence that demonstrates consistent skills and knowledge application in various conditions specified in the assessment task.
3. Assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the real work place.
Required Resources (What resources, equipment, tools, and materials)
1.Assessment task with instruction and assessment information
2.Learner workbook and other training handouts.
3.Access to simulated workplace business equipment and resources.
4.Access to simulated workplace policies and procedures.
5.Computer with Internet access word-process software (MS Word).
6.Workspace, table/s, chair/s and stationery as required.
7.Case study and/or real workplace scenario
8.Access to relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and code of practice
9.Specified timing for assessment.
Specifications (What structure format and demonstration)
1. Provide written solutions to all the case study activities and questions using word processed documents You may use this MS Word document for your answering Provide specified length and numbers mentioned in each written activity.
2.For role-play activities play the role as specified by your assessor demonstrating foundation skills and knowledge application while being observed by your assessor.
3.Submit the written activities with a cover page that includes your name student ID unit name unit code date of submission and assessor name. Include header (unit name/code) and footer page number student name and student ID number.
Assessment Instructions (How?)
1.Review the skills application section/s of the learner work book.
2.Read the task performance requirements and foundation skills application for each task activity.
3.Conduct research and review literature relevant to the unit.
4. Provide solutions to each written and performance activity using skills and knowledge and demonstrating your foundation skills.
5. Note:
Use word-process documents for written activities to provide written evidence as specified in the task. you may use MS Word documents for your written evidence.
6.This task requires you to play roles As specified and agreed by your assessor role-play the relevant activities demonstrating relevant skills.
7.The assessment is due on the date specified by your assessor.
8.Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
9.Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
10.See the specifications above for details of submission requirements.
Case Study (Skills and Knowledge Application)
Using the Assessment Task 2 Australian Constructions Case Study simulated workplace scenario provided in your Templates folder provide solutions to manage human resources with in a portfolio.
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
This case study assessment consists of two parts as part A and part B.
Part A is about assessing portfolio resources capacity and skills and experience.
Part B is about assigning project and program resources, coordinating and prioritise resources.
Relevant policies and procedures of policies and procedure manual of simulated workplace must be used to undertake the following task. (provided in your templates folder)
Your role :-
You work as the program manager for Australian Construction (the simulated workplace).
You operate at the strategic level within the organisation managing human resources within a portfolio.
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
A portfolio of Australian Construction is the centralised management of one or more portfolios of projects which includes identifying prioritising authorising managing and controlling projects programs and other related work to achieve specific strategic business objectives.
Your Task
Complete the following work place activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to manage human resources within a portfolio for a simulated workplace that resembles a real workplace: Use the Assessment 2 Templates to guide your work
A: Assess portfolio resources capacity and assess skills and experience
1. Access Australian Construction Simulated work place documents including policies and procedures and use the documents and relevant policies and procedures to undertake this task.
2.Read the case study analyse the case study, and identify the following using the template provided
a. Identify your job role as the program manager.
b. Assess organisational portfolio resources capacity.
c. Analyse and identify project and program resources based on resource forecasts.
d. Capture a baseline of existing and proposed resources for the program and projects.
e. Identify task requirements,
f. Review and assess resource capacity of the organisation for the portfolio resources according to task requirements.
Portfolio resource analysis (Template Provided)
Program manager job role.
- Performs multiple roles
- Generic PM job roles are:
Assessment of organisational portfolio resources capacity.
Read case study and answer the following question:
Number of management team ???
Number of employees ???
Analysis of project and program resources based on resource forecasts.
Read case study and answer the following question:
- Additional management staff required ???
- Construction employees required ???
Capturing a baseline of existing and proposed resources for the program and projects.
Read case study and answer the following question:
Project of this require how much of the following people:
- Civil Engineers?
- Foreman?
- Inspectors (Site and Process)?
- Brick layers?
- Plumbers?
- Electricians?
- Carpenters?
- Building assistance?
Task requirements,
Answer the following points:
- Does above resources will fulfill the job requirements?
- What data would be provided to resources to fulfill the job?
Review and assessment of resource capacity of the organisation for the portfolio resources according to task requirements.
How resources people provided above can help you achieve your project
Give details in few lines keeping Australian Construction structure in mind. Please provide detail as to which resource should be link to which project.e.g. supervisors etc should be allocated to construction sit
3. Develop a resource strategy for the program and projects on the status of projects and programs in the portfolio and:
a. determine how you review and update resource strategy.
b. how you optimise human resource allocation across projects and programs as the responsibility of program manager.
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
Resource Strategy for the program (Template Provided)
Resource strategy for the programs and projects
1. Provide details as to HOW MANY Civil Engineers Foreman Inspectors Site and Process Brick layers Plumbers Electricians Carpenters building assistance can be allocated to WHICH section of the projects
2. What is strategy of David Moss, the Program Manager and how he what his project to proceed Read case study
a. How to review and Update Resource strategy
- Examine….
- Compare….
- Seeking corrective actions….
b. Optimise Human Resource Allocation across Projects and Programs
I. How to manage multiple projects in one construction program?
II. What skill set required to conduct multiple projects concurrently?
III.What could be an impact of running multiple projects?
IV. Create the list of process required to conduct in multiple projects? precise information is required
4.Assess skills and experience of human resources and describe how you capture and maintain details of human resource skill sets and experience and utilisation information for the portfolio resources of the work place using the template provided.
Skills and experience assessment template
5.Develop solutions for above skills assessment.
Solutions for addressing issues in the skills assessment activity 4 – Template Provided
Examples could be training and coaching Provide more details
6.Capture human resource availability and utilisation information to maintain portfolio resources and calculate resource utilisation from collection techniques.
Human Resource availability and Utilisation + calculation of Utilisation -Template Provided
Capture HR Availability:
Give information as how we can capture HR avail ability It could be seeking guidance through senior management and or by utilised for specific programs and projects according to human resource plan.
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
Utilisation of resources:
During current situations of COVID how we can allocate days and weeks amongst resources All people can not work together Provide details as to how you will make a plan
Data collection techniques:
Use the below calculation to calculate date for your own resources:
Data collected from HR – Actual Hours Worked (by the resource) / Total Available Hours Selecting a time period yearly provides insight into the projects on which resources are focusing their efforts.
7.Analyse the case study identify the organisational work force and development plans, and high light the following using the template provided in appendix 2:
a. The human resource deficiencies and imbalances.
b. The human resource strengths.
c. How to factor above identified human resource deficiencies and strengths into the organisational work force and development plans.
(Template Provided)
8.Develop an implementation plan to implement strategies to resolve human resource deficiencies and imbalances.
Implementation plan for addressing human resource deficiencies and imbalances – (Template Provided)
9.Assess readiness for change for the portfolio resources and identify impacts of change.
Assess Readiness for change – (Template Provided)
Answer the following points:
- What is change process in construction industry
- How a change might impact the construction industry
- Readiness is comprised which points
- Negative impacts of rework or revision of work
B: Assign project and program resources and coordinate and prioritise resources.
10.Identify strategic priority of projects and programs within the portfolio and allocate resources to optimise human resource allocation across projects and programs.
11. Fore cast the impact on the organisation of resource allocation and utilisation for projects and programs in comparison to workforce plans.
(Template Provided)
- Understanding the current workforce.
- Identify Gap Analysis
- Continuous progress check etc.
12. Using the information from the case study identify resource gaps and conflicts and investigate their causes using the template provided.
Investigation template (Template Provided)
This may cover how to issue come to light?
Have any other actions been taken prior to the investigation?
Steve Aby and Naval Rauf had a heated argument etc. Provide details
Reasons for the investigation
For example, this may cover:
What specific allegations/concerns were investigated? (By dot points)
This conflict is against the company policy
Investigation process
For example, this may cover:
A brief description of method/s used to gather relevant information.
A record of what interviews/statements were undertaken, and documents reviewed.
- Preparation
- Interviewing
- Resolution activities etc.
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
List of witnesses interviewed provide details of the students you have interviews
For example this should cover:
A summary of findings and observations for each specific allegations/issue of concern investigated cross referencing any documentation where needed.
For example this may cover:
For each allegation/concern investigated an overall opinion based on the balance of probabilities whether there is evidence to support allegations made.
Recommendations on whether further actions should be taken according to work place policy and procedures.
13. Identify resource constraints and decide appropriate action to resolve the identified resource constraints according to organisational strategic priorities.
Resource Constraints and actions (Template Provided)
Resource constraints
List of resources which are constrained in Australian Construction
Appropriate action to resolve the identified resource constraints according to organisational strategic priorities
BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Case Study Assessment
Provide details of:
- How to use scarce resources to achieve your goal
- How human resources are allocated in accordance with the project’s deliverable specifications
- What goals can be accomplished by accommodating/allocating one-third of the resource’s capacity to each project
14. Identify prioritised projects and programs and develop process to coordinate cross organisational resource assignment to support prioritised projects and programs.
(Template Provided)
- How to allocate resources to let project stay successful
- Provide details as to how business leaders and project managers must be adept at coordinating
cross-functional collaboration to achieve organizational goal - Describe cross-functional process and explain how it will help with this project
15. Identify projects/programs cancelled or put on hold and reallocate resources from projects/programs cancelled or put on hold.
(Template Provided)
- What was the name of the company whom project has been halted due to cost over runs schedule
delays and political considerations? - What was the reasons the project was cancelled or put on hold
When you have completed all the tasks check your work thoroughly and upload to Canvas
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