Case study Assessment 1
Unit Code :- BSBHRM404
title :- Human Resource Functions
Qualification Course code name and release number : BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources (4)
Assessment overview : The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance as would be required to review and report on HR functions within an organisation.
Assessment Event number :- 1 of 2
BSBHRM404 Human Resource Functions Assignment
Instructions for this assessment :-
This is a case study assessment and it will be assessing you on your knowledge and performance of skills required by the unit.
This assessment is in two parts:
1.Case study scenario – research an HR issue
2.Case study scenario – report on an HR issue
The assessment also contains an:
3.Assessment feedback form
Submission instructions :-
On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it to the OLS.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?
To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must complete all parts of each task satisfactorily.
What do I need to provide?
Computer with internet access to complete electronically and upload the assessment.
Training materials and other research you have completed to refer to while completing the answers.
What will the assessor provide?
Relevant assessment documents.
Due date and time allowed/location :-
Refer to your individual training plan located on the Online Learning Support (OLS) site
Assessment feedback, review or appeals
All students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment.Appeals are addressed in accordance with
Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results contact your Teacher or Head Teacher.
Specific task instructions :-
The instructions and the criteria in the case study that follows will be used by the assessor to determine whether you have satisfactorily completed the Case Study Scenario.Use these instructions and criteria to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills in this assessment.
What you have to do
Complete the following tasks based on a workplace example. You can choose STAR Industries whose intranet is available on the OLS under Resources your own organisation or one you know well.
You are required to research and report on human resource issues across a minimum of two human resource functions for the chosen organisation. There are two parts to this assessment task.
Case Study Scenario:
You are the organisation’s HR Officer for STAR Industries or your own organisation.
You have identified due to a change in business strategy or the HR strategy that a review is necessary of a number of HR functions. This could be because a change to legislation has been announced and you need to be ready to implement this change a serious incident has occurred or you’ve attended a HR professionals networking meeting and heard a presentation about new and interesting approaches to HR.
Part 1: Research :-
1.Write a brief description of your organisation. Outline the nature of the business its design and structure the strategic and operational goals and the organisational climate.
2.Identify the human resource functions and related issues that will be reviewed in the report.
i. List the HR policies and/or procedures in your organisation.These form the HR policy framework for the organisation.
ii. Briefly state the objectives of your review (why the review is needed); include how your review links to a business or HR strategy of the organisation.
iii. Establish the scope of the review what you are going to include in the review. Your review needs to cover at least one issue related to each of your identified Human Resource functions.
For example :
1.A review of the Human Resources function Learning and Development could identify that there is an issue of training data not being captured reliably which is required for reporting on new government funding for traineeships;
2.A review of the Human Resource function Recruitment and Selection could identify that the use of social media as a recruitment strategy is not included in the policy and procedures and different practices have emerged across the organisation.
iv. Identify key positions inside the organisation with whom you will consult.
v. List HR networks and internal and external information sources for human resources data and information.
vi. Review the policy and procedures that relate to the HR functions being reviewed using the Policy Development Guide Checklist at the end of this assessment. (Attach the completed checklist as an Appendix to Part 1).
BSBHRM404 Human Resource Functions Assignment – Australia.
List the strengths and weaknesses of these policies and procedures based on your analysis against the Policy Development Guide Checklist. These findings will be used in your report in Part 2.
vii. List the legislation, regulations and standards that apply to working in human resources.
viii. Identify sustainability issues that relate to the human resources function/s being reviewed.
ix. Consider the ethical obligations requirements of human resources personnel working in the areas under review by completing the following tasks:
a. Document examples of behaviour the way we act associated with working ethically in the areas under review.
b. Outline any gaps between current practice and expected ethical practice.
3.Use ONE of the following methods to conduct your research that is either interview literature search statistical analysis or survey. Depending upon the method chosen provide the following information on your findings
Method A – Interviews (conduct at least 2)
a. Who (job title) you interviewed
b. The questions you asked
c. Write a summary of each interview, including the key points related to the function being reviewed.
Method B – Literature search of print and online resources
Find and attach five articles related to your HR function and the issues you are reviewing. These may be sourced from newspapers, journals or online.
i. Summarise the key points of these readings as related to the HR functions you are reviewing.
Method C – Statistical Analysis
1.The source of the data
2. The raw data
3. Your analysis of each data sample.
Method D – Surveys
Document :
1.The survey document including instructions (attached as an Appendix to Part 1)
2. The results of each survey presented in a table
3. Your analysis of the results.
4.In considering how to implement the changes identified from your research list the following
i. At least TWO options for the changes recommended taking account of the organisation culture
ii. Possible change barriers to their implementation.
NB: These need to be included in your report in Part 2.
Part 2: Report
Using the template provided below and your research from Part 1, prepare a report to the HR Manager on the HR functions you reviewed.
Executive summary :-
Complete this page last. You need to know the recommendations and conclusion before you can write an Executive summary.
Write a half page summary that concisely lays out the main findings and recommendations of your review.
Table of contents
List the headings of each section in the report, together with page number.
You can do this automatically using the References or Table of contents function in your word processing application e.g. Microsoft Word Open Office etc. Note: for this to work you must use the application’s Styles function and format the headings as Heading 1 Heading 2 etc.
If you edit your document you can update your table of contents by simply right-clicking over the table of contents and selecting the appropriate update option
Introduction :-
Briefly state the objectives of your review by outlining the scope of the review.
Identify the HR function
\s you have reviewed and outline the issue/s you research within each function.
Background :-
Outline the research methodology you used in reviewing the HR functions you have chosen for this report and why this approach was taken.
BSBHRM404 Human Resource Functions Assignment
BSBHRM404 Human Resource Functions Assignment – Australia.
Review findings :-
For each of your chosen HR functions:
i. list and explain the key findings of your research and review. Include the strength and weaknesses of the relevant policy and procedure framework you identified in Part 1
ii. identify options for change and explain the benefits of each option. List any possible barrier to change.
iii. Note: please remember to include your research methodology findings from Part 1 Question 3 as an Appendix
Recommendations :-
Based on the analysis of your review finding, identify recommendations for change and list these as follows:
Approval is sought for:
- Write your recommendation as an action you are seeking to be approved e.g.
- An annual organisational subscription to AHRI
- Number each recommendation
BSBHRM404 Human Resource Functions Assignment – Australia.
Conclusion :-
The conclusion should answer what you proposed in the Introduction. It is a summary of the findings of your research. For example if your introduction stated that you were going to analyse what was contributing to an increase in slips trips and falls in construction sites you could briefly state something along the lines of:
The research conducted confirms that implementing a systematic approach to hazard identification risk assessment and controlling those risks does have a positive effect on managing slips trips and falls on construction sites. Trained Health and Safety Reps on site also were found to have a positive effect.
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