BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

Subject Code & Title :- BIOC6006 Science Communication
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Successful completion of this assessment will mean that you have been able to:
• Read and understand a published research paper.
• Identify the critical outcomes of a published study.
• Determine the significance of the outcomes from a published study.
• Write in a concise manner at a level suitable for an educated reader.
• Summarise critical information without mis-representing that information.
BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

Effectively communicating research outcomes is a critical task for any scientist or science journalist. The way research is presented must be tailored to the predicted audience and should be fit for purpose.

A full published research paper is not normally easy to read and fully understand for readers out side the discipline area of the authors. Research papers can also be quite bloated with text and imagery that while providing critical justification for the authors conclusions do not provide the truly critical information about the research outcomes.

To highlight significant papers many journals will have a News & Views section. The articles in these sections are short less than one page summaries of a significant research paper that the editors want to highlight to their readers.

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

These articles describe the significant outcomes of the research in a very readable format avoiding or explaining discipline specific terminology. Some examples are available via Black board for you to refer to.

Using the research paper provided to you you will need to write a News & Views style article describing the critical outcomes of the work.

The article should include:
• An engaging headline of no more than 15 words that informs the reader of the over all outcome of the research.
• Body text of no more that 400 words that describes the work in language that is understand able to an educated person who does NOT have intimate knowledge of the discipline.
• Provides a citation and link to the paper within its journal/repository.
• You can include an image if you wish. Any image must be cited appropriately and have a figure legend. The text of the figure legend will NOT be considered in the word count.

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

When thinking about how to write this article you will see that many of the examples follow a similar format.

• The headline – this should be engaging, in simple language, and highlight the key finding of the study.
• The opening paragraph of ten tells the reader who did the research (e.g., John Smith and colleagues where the research was carried out (…at the University of Queensland…) and gives a brief description of the major outcome (…have shown that a single mutation in…).
• The following paragraphs then go on to describe the critical details of the experiment(s) in plain language. In these paragraphs you should give some of the critical details such as:

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

o What organism was the study done in? – mice cell culture bacteria
o What was the purpose of the research? – was the research aimed at… improving health outcomes under standing a disease improving crop outcomes under standing a fundamental question in biology
o What molecular biological process or concept was the focus of the study?
o What did they do to achieve their aim? – did they… make a mutation characterise a novel strain treat the cells/organism with a chemical
o What did they measure/determine? – did they… see what concentration of antibiotic was effective get the DNA sequence of a novel gene determine the sequence similarity between genes measure how much mRNA a gene was making

• You should then have a sentence or two (maybe even a paragraph) giving some concluding statements about the impact of the research (…this research could lead to the development of novel anti-cancer reagents…; …improved crop yields…)
• Include a full reference to the paper you reviewed along with a web link to the paper at the journal’s website after your text.
• Give the word count in the format “Word count: XXX” after the citation.

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

Review and edit :-
this is something that often gets over looked especially if you are pressed for time but we strongly recommend that you carefully read through your article to check for spelling mistakes incorrect word use and grammatical errors. While we do not expect the article to be grammatically perfect you should make every effort for it to be so. Tip: make use of the inbuilt spelling and grammar checking in Word – just set the language of your document to English it doesn’t really matter if you choose the UK US or Aus version).

BIOC6006 Science Communication Assessment

Submission :-
Once you have written your draft article you must submit it to submission portal found on the Blackboard site before the due date. We recommend submitting your article in PDF format. How ever the portal will also accept Word documents.

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Disclaimer: The papers provided by serve as model papers for research candidates and are not to be submitted 'as is'. These papers are intended to be used for reference purposes only. only offers consultation and research support and assistance in research design, editing, and statistics.*