Subject Code & Title :- BHO2301 Applied CSR Research Report
Length :- 2500 words (maximum)
Weighting :- 30%
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Detail :- This assignment (for groups of three or four tests your abilities as a group to blend your knowledge of academic research in the field of CSR/ESG with the practical programs of a specific business with in the hospitality tourism or event sectors.
BHO2301 Applied CSR Research Report Assignment
Learning Outcomes Assessed :-
The unit learning outcomes assessed are:
LO 1: Reflect in a scholarly manner upon principles of ethical and responsible behaviour and their roles in both the profit and not for profit sectors to promote responsible and ethical citizenship;
LO 2: Critique corporate social responsibility programs in a range of tourism hospitality or event enterprises with reference to their capacity to meet the environmental social and economic obligations of their stake holders;
LO 3: Appraise contemporary short and long term sustainability issues that can confront tourism hospitality and event enterprises;
LO 4: Debate the significance of sustainability and the role that management of organisations in both the profit and not for profit sectors can contribute and
LO 5: Work collaboratively in a team to elucidate and justify sustainability approaches with reference to methods of evaluating performance and models of best practice that can address important complex and unpredictable problems.
Assessment Structure :-
The focus of this assignment is to investigate the CSR activities of an organisation and assess them against relevant academic literature.
The assignment should be considered as an executive report and broken into three distinct sections:
Section 1: The first task a is to precis three journal articles in the field briefly reviewing the type of study under taken and the research findings with a plan to find the context between the literature and your chosen company/organisation with in the defined industry sectors of hospitality tourism or major events. This first section A) should run to no more than 1000 words.
Section 2: The second section of the report B) is your interpretation and discussion of the CSR programs that exist with in the selected organisation again no more than 1000 words.
BHO2301 Applied CSR Research Report Assignment
Section 3: The last part of the report section C) concludes your report in showing where there has been an example of blending academic theory and commercial practice. It may be that your selected organisation could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its CSR/ESG activities and therefore your group is encouraged to make suggestions of how the theoretical findings from the research articles could be better applied.
Assessment Criteria :-
Description and discussion of relevant academic journal articles minimum of 3 journal articles and a maximum of 5 journal articles related to CSR/ESG (nb. they must date less than 10 years old).
1.Discussion of the Organisation and the sector that they operate in Tourism Aviation Hotels Attractions Hospitality etc.
2.A discussion (not a bullet point listing) of the CSR programs operated by that organisation it may not contain every initiative under taken but will include the main or most important or noteworthy ones.
3. Any awards granted by accreditation bodies or sustainability related third parties
4.A conclusion that integrates where the theoretical perspective and findings relate to the programs of the organisation
5.Structure style and presentation of report including spelling and grammar
6.Referencing (in-text and in reference lists)
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