PROGRAMME :- Bachelor of Commerce in Information and Technology Management
MODULE :- Information Technology Management 2A
Accelerated digital transformation of businesses
The world is straining under the weight of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 and the sub sequent isolation have shaken the core of societies the business world and the economy throughout the world. Unfortunately South Africa is no exception. Although some what later than Europe the global catastrophe has also hit South Africa and the number of infections is still on the rise.
Accelerated Digital Transformation of Businesses Case Study
Many businesses had to close down during the lockdown announced by government. Some businesses permanently closed their doors, and about 1.8 million people lost their work and income. Volatile industries such as the hospitality, travel and airline industries have experienced one of the most difficult times in history since World War II and were hard hit by the Coronavirus and government lockdown.
Accelerated Digital Transformation of Businesses Case Study
But the old saying “every dark cloud has a silver lining” is also true of Covid-19. There is some thing positive that resulted from these very disturbing times. Suddenly millions of workers in South Africa had to start working from home and had to make use of digital collaboration tools to do their work and to stay in contact with their organisations. Companies had no choice but to rethink their strategies to keep their businesses running. Data traffic in the telecommunication network increased exponentially as companies started to interact virtually with their employees customers suppliers and stakeholders.
Accelerated Digital Transformation of Businesses Case Study
Many companies and their employees proved undeniably that they are adaptable and could quickly adapt to working communicating and even thriving via digital means under strict lockdown regulations. Whether companies were ready or not the Coronavirus without doubt forced many of them some for the first time into the use of digital collaborative software and thus the digital world.
The importance of collaborative ICT requires a high participation of technologies as an important competitive advantage factor.
1.1. With reference to above, discuss 3 collaborative mediums.
1.2 Critically discuss the concept of collaboration technologies.