Subject Code & Title :- 9026BC Business Consulting
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Weight :- 40%
Format :- Written report (1000 words plus 10%) + Oral presentation Power Point slide show + 8-10 mins zoom recording
Purpose :-
– to provide you with the opportunity to define one of the consulting services that you are planning to offer your clients and
– to develop a consulting proposal for a relevant consulting opportunity.
9026BC Business Consulting Assessment
Related topics :-
Module 1 – The consulting landscape
Module 2 – Is business consulting right for you?
Module 3 – Conducting a consulting project
What should I include in my report?
Part A: Consulting service definition
• Consulting service definition document for one specific service
• You are not required to follow the AIB standard report format
• Rather follow the template provided on the Assessment page of the learning portal.
Part A: Consulting service definition
Consulting service definition
Which modules cover the consulting service definition?
Module 1 – The consulting landscape
Module 2 – Is business consulting right for you? (perspective and consulting model)
Module 3 – Conducting a consulting project (consulting proposal presentation outline)
What should I include in my report?
Part A: Consulting service definition
• Consulting service definition
1. A brief overview of your consulting service (only one of your consulting services)
2. Perspective and consulting model
3. Consulting proposal presentation outline
What should I include in my presentation?
9026BC Business Consulting Assessment
Part B: Consulting Proposal Presentation: 8-10 Minutes
i. Use the key components of the consulting proposal presentation outline that you have designed in part A of the assessment to structure your presentation
ii. Prepare the presentation slides (this is the presentation of your consulting proposal)
iii.Present and record on Zoom 8-10 minutes using your AIB Zoom account not your personal or professional account
iv. For information on how to record using Zoom and how to submit an oral presentation refer to the Guide to recording your oral presentation
v. For guidance on how to deliver an effective presentation refer to the sections on Oral presentations and the example oral presentation in Study Support
vi. For oral presentations that exceed the time limit, only the time allotted for the assessment piece will be marked (see Assessment Guidelines).
Interim Assessment: Value Proposition and Consulting Proposal
• Part A- Written Report
– You are required to use at least six credible academic references for this report.
– Use author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations and a reference list), see AIB Style Guide.
– Your references should be from credible sources such as books, industry-related journals, and academic journal articles. Ideally, relevant academic journal articles should be used for academic discussion.
– The list of references is not included in the word count.
Part B- Presentation
– It is not required to include references in your proposal presentation. However to avoid the academic integrity breaches wherever it is applicable you should cite the relevant references.