8001LEAD Leadership Assignment

Learning Outcomes:
• Demonstrate advanced understanding of leadership theories, concepts and practice, including both traditional and contemporary forms of leadership (LO#1);
• Critically evaluate various modes of leadership with consideration of ethical and socially responsible practice (LO#2);
• Effectively communicate and apply relevant leadership principles to address the diverse needs of various stakeholders (LO#3).
8001LEAD Leadership Assignment

8001LEAD Leadership Assignment

Summary :-
The assessment task requires students to identify the key points and the main arguments of two papers discuss them in relation to broader leadership theories and concepts and their relevance application to professional experience.

Subject Code & Title :- 8001LEAD Leadership
Weight :- 35%
Format :- 1,500-word written commentary (plus 10% tolerance).
Assessment Type :- Assignment

Note: Insert this summary description in Smarthinking Submit your assessment for writing feedback from Smarthinking.

Task :-
Your task is to read two prescribed journal articles and build the commentary on the over all theme of Leadership Then and now. Discuss the key points and main arguments in the two articles in relation to broader leadership theories and concepts and extend your discussion by explaining the application of relevant theories and concepts to your own professional experience.

Read the following journal articles on leadership:
• Ammerman C & Groysberg, B 2021 How to close the gender gap Harvard Business Review,vol. 99 no. 3 pp. 124–133.
• Kerr S 1975, ‘On the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B Academy of Management Journal vol. 18 no. 4 pp. 769-783.

8001LEAD Leadership Assignment

Your task is to identify the key points and the main arguments of the paper discuss them in relation to broader leadership theories and concepts, and their relevant/application to your personal and professional experience. The audience for this assessment is the teaching team who are interested in your critical evaluation of the argument and main ideas being presented by the author(s).

As a first step identify the main ideas and arguments put forward in the article. Then use the following questions as a guide to help you draft your commentary. Do not use these questions as headings in your response as is to be written in an essay format.

1.What arguments are the authors trying to raise?
2.Do you agree with what the authors are saying, and why?
3.How could/would you use the theory/research/model in the role of leader to improve practical leadership for your specific workplace?
4.Consider how it relates to your wider reading and your own professional experience and workplace, using examples to support your discussion.

Consider how it relates to your wider reading and your own professional experience and workplace, using examples to support your discussion.

Note: All written assessments should be submitted as Word files (.docx) (Word is available from your AIB

• The required word length for this assessment is a total of 2,000 words (plus 10% tolerance),presented as follows:
• Article 1: Commentary
• Article 2: Commentary
• Write your Commentary in an essay format. This means that you do not use typically headings or sub-headings within the body of your response (except for the headings provided in the assessment template).
• Write well-structured paragraphs. See the AIB Study Skill site for guidelines on how to structure your writing.
• Utilise the suggested structure outlined in this Commentary template described below:

8001LEAD Leadership Assignment

8001LEAD Leadership Assignment

Note: Table of Contents and Executive Summary are not required for Assessment 2.
• Cover Page
• No Table of Contents
• No Executive Summary
• Start a new page: Article 1: Full citation of article 1
• Article 1 Commentary (1000 words)
• Paragraph 1
• Paragraph 2
• Paragraph 3
• Start a new page: Article 2: Full citation of article 2
• Article 2 Commentary (1000 words)
• Paragraph 1
• Paragraph 2
• Paragraph 3
• On a new page: Reference list (you must reference the two articles and the prescribed text book for the commentary task PLUS a minimum of two (2) additional references per article. Not included in the word limit.
• Acknowledge the sources of facts appropriately. You must reference the two articles and the prescribed text book PLUS a minimum of two (2) references per article. Therefore, you should have a minimum of seven (7) references for Assessment 2 adopt the author-date style of referencing
• All references must be from credible sources such as peer reviewed journals books industry related magazines and company literature.
• Your grade will be adversely affected if your response does not acknowledge the sources of information you have used see Assessment Policy available on AIB website.

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