Subject Code & Title :- 7303AFE Economics
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2
Task Description : –
The assignment requires you to write two content pieces for an organisation website or blog some thing like The Conversation and LinkedIn. These content pieces should be short and sharp (should be 1000 words each). You are expected to include images/links if you feel that they are relevant to your article. Don’t use academic language and you must be engaging. However you need to use a minimum of 4 references and need to provide a list of references at the end of each piece.
7303AFE Economics Assignment
● Type: Assignment – Research-based Assignment.
● Assignment-2 Topic – Two Policy Blogs:
● Topic for Policy Blog One: COVID-19 Pandemic and the Evaluation of Macroeconomic Policy Measures in Australia
● Topic for Policy Blog Two: Inflation Targeting in Australia: Policy Challenges Post COVID-19
● Length: 1000 words each blog.
Write the total word count on the top left corner of the front page of each blog.
Please note that the references/diagrams/graphs/tables are NOT included in the word count.
● Overall Weight: 50 Marks (50% of overall assessment).
7303AFE Economics Assignment
● Write and submit both blogs as a one piece document (NOT two separate documents/files. So first write blog one and its references and then write blog two and its references in the same document (file). For example: please see the template posted as a separate file next to this file.
● Front page details: The front page of the assignment should contain your following information:
● Some Helpful Hints on Structuring this Assignment
● Each blog should include Introduction and Conclusion sections in addition to other sections/discussions.
● Write a minimum of 4 references for each blog.
● Support your reasoning using microeconomic tools principles in simple terms with out using academic language diagrams drawn from economic theory data charts graphs and the citations from academic journals books business and financial press.
You would need to provide evidence where possible to support your views. So where possible use data and/or charts graphs and the citations from academic journals books business and financial press to support your reasoning.
The proper referencing within the text, and a reference/bibliography list in the assignment is required. If you are making a statement please ensure you include references particularly when using statistics or referring to particular patterns.
Some examples for bibliography and using references in your assignment are as follows:
(A) Making reference to sources in the body of the assignment: The following details are provided in round brackets:
● The author’s family name for more than one author put and between the names for more than two authors write the first name then add et al. after it).
● The year of publication.
● The page number, if you are quoting the author’s actual words.
7303AFE Economics Assignment
Example-1: If the interest rate rises fewer investment projects are profitable and the quantity of investment goods demanded falls
Note that this example is quoting the actual words from the source and thus it is en closed in quotation marks and give the page number of the quote.
If the quote is more than 20 words long it is referenced in the same way but instead of using quotation marks it should be indented using single line spacing:
For an investment project to be profitable, its return must exceed its cost. If the interest rate rises fewer investment projects are profit able and the quantity of investment goods demanded falls
Example-2: The amount of investment demanded in the economy depends on the interest rate (Mankiw 2021).
This example is the same idea put in the student’s own words but you must still acknowledge the source.
Example-3: Mankiw (2021) claims that the amount of investment demanded in the economy depends on the interest rate. Here the author’s name becomes a part of the student’s sentence so only the date is needed in the brackets.
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