Subject Code & Title :- 10193 Clinical Governance
Weighting :- 45%
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2
point :- 45
2022 Nursing 1 10193: Clinical Governance Assignment 2 Discussion Board Post and Reflecon
Format: Discussion Board Post and wri#en Reflec”on
10193 Clinical Governance Assignment
The Aged Care Royal Commission (2021) found evidence of substandard care Students are required to read The Aged Care Royal Commission report summary discuss a pa!ent safety issue iden!fied, suggest risk frame works that could promote beer outcomes in rela!on to the clinical issue iden!fied and reflect on their learning.
10193 Clinical Governance Assignment
Part 1
Students are required to iden!fy a pa!ent safety issue raised in the Aged Care Royal Commission (2021) in rela!on to substandard care and explore the issue in a discussion board post on the 10193 Clinical Governance Canvas site. Students are required to define the safety issue and discuss the nega!ve impacts for the affected person/family, health care workers and health care facility providing evidence and sta!s!cs. Students will also make recommenda!ons about evidence informed risk management frameworks that could be used to promote improved outcomes in rela!on to the pa!ent safety issue iden!fied. The post will include a APA7th edi!on forma”ed reference list, and be 500 words (including intext references, not including reference list).
Part 2
Students are required to respond to a peer’s Aged Care Royal Commission substandard care discussion post with a wrien reflec!on on what you have learned and how this insight connects with your experience
10193 Clinical Governance Assignment
Other requirements:
Any resources u!lised should be referenced with a Reference list provided at the end of the discussion post.
As with all academic assessments students are required to comply with the University’s policy and procedure for assessment items inclusive of ensuring academic integrity of their work. All work must be the students original work.Any suspicions of academic misconduct will be referred to the ADE as per university policy.
10193 Clinical Governance Assignment
This Assessment addresses the following Unit Learning Outcomes:
1.Examine the cri!cal role of nursing in clinical governance;
4.Discuss and describe the use of risk frameworks to aid iden!fica!on and ameliora!on of clinical risk;
6.Cri!cally analyse the role of nurses in advoca!ng for improved pa!ent outcomes.
and related graduate a#ributes include:
1.UC graduates are professional. UC graduates can:
1.1 employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills;
1.2 communicate effec!vely;
1.3 use crea!vity, cri!cal thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theore!cal and real-world problems;
1.5 display ini!a!ve and drive, and use their organisa!on skills to plan and manage their workload;
1.6 take pride in their professional and personal integrity;
10193 Clinical Governance Assignment
2.UC graduates are global ci”zens. UC graduates can:
2.1 think globally about issues in their profession;
2.5 make crea!ve use of technology in their learning and professional lives;
3.UC graduates are lifelong learners. UC graduates can:
3.1 reflect on their own prac!ce upda!ng and adap!ng their knowledge and skills for con!nual professional and academic development; and
3.4 evaluate and adopt new technology.