Subject Code & Title :- 038 Principles of Acute Care Nursing
Length :- 250 words +/- 10%
Weighting :- 10%
Assiggnment Type :- Assessment 1
The purpose of this assessment is to encourage you to engage with the unit materials and communicate and network with other students. This process will assist you to construct meaning from the unit content and to apply and integrate the concepts and principles in the context of your clinical practice.
038 Principles of Acute Care Nursing Assessment 1
Your postings to the online discussion should reflect your understanding of the unit material and your own context.
Some of the ways that you can contribute to online discussion include:
• responding to questions posed by the tutor
• posing questions of your own to the group
• expressing your own opinions or observations, where possible link your opinions to the readings in this unit
• comment on or seek clarification of another student’s posting
• posting a question aimed at furthering the group’s discussion.
It is expected that you will contribute to each online discussion and contribute to the postings of other students. Your contributions to the online discussions will form a part of the assessment required for this unit.
ACN aims to develop a safe and secure online learning environment where you can freely participate in discussions.
Your educator respects your rights to confidentiality and expects you to respect the confidentiality of other students. Remember that patient confidentiality applies to these discussions and discussion of other sensitive matters requires discretion.
Online Discussion 1a: Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration
038 Principles of Acute Care Nursing Assessment 1
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) (2010) ‘National consensus statement: Essential elements for recognising and responding to clinical deterioration’ includes four elements under clinical processes that need to be locally delivered and are based on the circumstances of the health service in which care is provided. The elements include:
- Measurement and documentation of observations
- Escalation of care
- Rapid response systems
- Clinical communication
Reflect on your clinical experience and discuss how the above-mentioned elements inform your role and enable you to provide holistic care to a deteriorating patient in your acute setting. As a Q&A forum you will need to post your own comments prior to being able to read then comment on at least two of your colleagues.
038 Principles of Acute Care Nursing Assessment 1
Online Discussion 1b: Renal considerations
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is considered a public health problem due to its association with diabetes hypertension obesity and cardiovascular disease. In Australia the number of Australians with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) has doubled in last decade. Chronic kidney disease is a highly manageable and preventable condition.
Refer to the latest KHA-CARI clinical practice guidelines evaluate the current clinical interventions for the prevention of chronic kidney disease.
Examine the recommendations from the guidelines and discuss some of the barriers nurses face in delivering safe and holistic healthcare to prevent CKD. Consider the diverse cultural and/or geographical backgrounds of the patients in your discussion.
038 Principles of Acute Care Nursing Assessment 1
Assessment criteria :-
In order to pass this assessment, you are required to:
1. make at least one meaningful post to each theme/question posed for the online forum
2. make at least two meaningful reply posts to peer posts in each online forum.
If you follow these two steps you will be given the whole 10% for this assessment if you do not follow all the steps you will receive no marks at all.
Assessable online forums are graded using achieved/not yet achieved criteria.